Feel like crying


Well-known member
Does anyone else feel like crying when someone looks at them for too long?

There's a supervisor at work and i don't like him because he acts all fake..You know pretending to be overly friendly to me when i know that behind my back he probably takes the piss out of me. I'll be walking past at work o'r doing something and he'll just stare at my face for prolonged periods with a fake grin on his face. On another occasion we were going in the work van and all of the sudden he looked at me with a manical grin on his face! I don't know whether he's trying to intimidate me because of my shyness, i don't know what his game is, but it seems to me that some people like to intimidate shy people because it makes them feel more powerfull and superior.

This happens to me a lot where i feel like bursting out in tears when someone looks at me for prolonged periods.


I just felt like crying once when I was on a bus and some girls talked to me, but I kept quiet, than they touched my cheeks from behind and I felt like wanting to cry hard. It was so visible apparently through my expression that the girls from behind/on the side asked me if Iam crying. Then they laughed a bit and never talked to me again.

That's the only time I felt like crying coz of my SA, I don't feel like this when someone looks at me for a prolonged time. Iam sensitive to touch I guess

Sounds like the superviser is an asshole and tries to make himself look/feel better. Reminds me of a friends brother, he had that annoying grin on his face all the time when he looked at me or talked to me, coz he felt like he is older and something better than me. He was a guy I just couldn't stand. If a car would hit him I duno if I would feel any sad emotion. Well I guess i would, but I hated him


Well-known member
Does anyone else feel like crying when someone looks at them for too long?

There's a supervisor at work and i don't like him because he acts all fake..You know pretending to be overly friendly to me when i know that behind my back he probably takes the piss out of me. I'll be walking past at work o'r doing something and he'll just stare at my face for prolonged periods with a fake grin on his face. On another occasion we were going in the work van and all of the sudden he looked at me with a manical grin on his face! I don't know whether he's trying to intimidate me because of my shyness, i don't know what his game is, but it seems to me that some people like to intimidate shy people because it makes them feel more powerfull and superior.

This happens to me a lot where i feel like bursting out in tears when someone looks at me for prolonged periods.

He's smiling, not scowling. Maybe he's forcing himself to smile and be friendly to you, so you'll feel able to approach him. Have you tried smiling back at him and giving him a nod?


Well-known member
yea i agree with sick joke , i think he knows you are shy and hes just trying to make freinds with you , if his smile looks false thats cos it probably is , he might be a lil wary of you


I dunno, this guy sounds like he might just be trying to be nice like the above posters said, and maybe he just doesn't know how to? maybe being so anxious makes it hard to interpret other people's intentions/puts you on the defensive. I totally understand your frustration. I hate it when some jerk decides to mess with people they see as easy targets, just to inflate their ego.:mad:


Well-known member
He's smiling, not scowling. Maybe he's forcing himself to smile and be friendly to you, so you'll feel able to approach him. Have you tried smiling back at him and giving him a nod?

I can spot a genuine sincere smile on anyone. People know me as being polite and i have a smile for everyone, i try my best and i can do no more.


Well-known member
yea i agree with sick joke , i think he knows you are shy and hes just trying to make freinds with you , if his smile looks false thats cos it probably is , he might be a lil wary of you

Why would anyone be wary of me? I don't look scary do i?


Well, without actually seeing this guy in person and seeing this first hand i don't know what to say but i will say this. Lots of people put up fronts at work. Even if you don't like the people around you, you at least make an attempt to get along so as not to make the environment a difficult one. According to you this guy acts friendly to your face.take it for what it is.he's not your friend but a co worker who is just trying to get along. play along with it like i do. you definately don't want to create any friction. i've learned that the hard way.


Does anyone else feel like crying when someone looks at them for too long?

There's a supervisor at work and i don't like him because he acts all fake..You know pretending to be overly friendly to me when i know that behind my back he probably takes the piss out of me. I'll be walking past at work o'r doing something and he'll just stare at my face for prolonged periods with a fake grin on his face. On another occasion we were going in the work van and all of the sudden he looked at me with a manical grin on his face! I don't know whether he's trying to intimidate me because of my shyness, i don't know what his game is, but it seems to me that some people like to intimidate shy people because it makes them feel more powerfull and superior.

This happens to me a lot where i feel like bursting out in tears when someone looks at me for prolonged periods.

You are a nice looking guy, he might be attracted to you.


Well-known member
He is just doing that to get a rise out of you,well about the staring part I can relate,specially if there is a group of people not talking just looking at me,it is so bad that I actually almost got in a confusion with strangers,today you cant even look at people the wrong way....