Ever feel alone even amongst your own?


Well-known member
Anyone ever feel alone & or different from everyone even here or somewhere else where you are amongst you "own kind?"

For instance, I feel different here. I feel like an outsider here, I feel that while I too have social anxiety mine is still utterly different from everyone else's. Maybe because I also believe I am partially schizoid as well, but on a schizoid forum I feel like the different one too. At my twelve-step meeting I feel that my only true utter similarity is our affliction, but the sames end there. I feel like it's me, then the rest of the world. Like I am the anomaly in an anomaly. I am so much so many of the people on online forums that I meet, yet I feel that you & they are still so utterly different.

If someone comments on one of my blog posts & says that they are exactly the same way & they understand, I'll nod & say yeah but inside I just know that there's got to be something that seperates us.

Like it's everyone else on this site, then me, you know, outside looking in.
I bet even if a carbon copy of me so similar that it'd may even be a doppleganger were to enter this forum or anywhere else I'd STILL feel as if I can only partially relate that copy.


Well-known member
I completly feel and understand what ur sayin. Theres always exceptions and a chance to connect with someone on the same level as myself, yourself and so on.


Well-known member
I often feel the same way even on here. I expect others to be exactly like me but i guess there are different degree's of social anxiety.


Well-known member
I dont feel at all like that here. So many people here share the same struggles as I do that it sometimes amazes me.


Well-known member
I often feel resentful to other people for this reason which is irrational, which can sometimes make me feel unsympathetic. Especially when it comes to people complaining about their relationships, usually romantic. I will sit there & think "Oh wa-wa, what a damn shame. At least you f-ing have the physical & emotional ability to have one."

I know that I am very jealous of people's relationships also, and that causes alot of anger, but the more I hear of all the crap they go through for another person the more I am discouraged & fail to see the point of it all. I couldn't imagine having my personal space treaded upon like that.


Well-known member
I agree, sometimes it gets really annoying when people constantly talk about how there life is a tragedy...it makes me feel sad and depressed reading about it
Yeah, I've been thinking that I should feel right at home here... yet even on this site I feel like an outsider. I feel included, but don't feel included. I don't know.
Yours is no Disgrace

I don't even know what 'my own' is. I'm probably too freakish for the freaks or something something. If someone always completely understood what I meant I'd think I'd end up smashing my head against the wall to try to get back into the real world. May I answer with an I'm pretty sure I have an idea of what you mean, rather than I feel exactly the same way and understand completely? I wouldn't go that far...