anyone in ireland


Well-known member
From Galway!

Aged 34 male.

SA has been my cancer.

Restricted me in so many ways.

It hurts to see peers with partners and children.

Anyone else relating to that?


New member
jayo said:
From Galway!

Aged 34 male.

SA has been my cancer.

Restricted me in so many ways.

It hurts to see peers with partners and children.

Anyone else relating to that?

yeah sometimes I see old school friends the same age as me with kids and with alot of mates and im like "why cant I be like them" and "im such an odd ball why bother" etc :(


New member

hi,im living in dublin,have had social phobia for a long time,just thought i was weird.scared of little things like answering the phone etc,kinda messed up my study,going on to become an architect,have my part 1 degree,but seem to just run away from it,wish i could finish my delighted to hear that im not alone,would love to chat with others about it :)
Hi everyone.

I'm from Fermoy, which is in County Cork.

I'm a friend of Tucker, who started this thread, though he doesn't seem to post to this forum anymore.

I'm 26 years old and have been shy my whole life. I developed full-blown Social Anxiety when I was about 16 i.e. that is when I started avoiding social situations.

On top of having general SAD, I also have a specific form of social anxiety, known as Paruresis or Bashfull Bladder. Basically, what this means is that I have difficulty in urinating in public toilets i.e. in bars, airports, shopping centres etc. Even a lot of fellow SA sufferers seem to have difficulty in understanding Paruresis, or that it is a form of Social Anxiety, so I often feel very isolated.

If anyone wants to send me a personal message or an e-mail, I'd love to hear from you. My e-mail is: [email protected]

Hope to hear from some of you soon.


New member
Hi guys I'm an 18 year old living in N.Ireland (Co.Tyrone) at the moment. I'm actually Thai,but moved here to study,so if anyone wanna chat you can add me. I really wanna make new friends and become more sociable :oops:

[email protected] :p (MSN)


hello people, im a 20 year old male from cork suffering with SA, if anyone wants to get in touch for a chat or whatever your more than welcome!!