I'm from Ireland too. I don't know whether it's just me, but does anybody else think that Ireland is the single worst country in the world to live in, if you're suffering from SA? Everybody seems so friendly. I've lost count of the amount of times I've been sitting on a bus or DART (staring at the floor, refusing to make eye-contact with the person across from me) and some eejit suddenly strikes up a conversation, as if they've known me all their lives.
More importantly, I think Irish SA sufferers are left completely in the dark, suffering in silence. If it wasn't for the internet, I'd still be in ignorance of the condition I suffer from. My own doctor had never even heard of SA, and dismissed it as nonsense. There seems to be so little support or awareness of the condition available in Ireland.
Anyhow, I'm hoping we can change that (even just slightly). I've set up a forum, which anybody is welcome to join (the link is in my sig), called
Irish Social Anxiety Chat, which will hopefully, in time develop into a community where Irish sufferers of SA/SP/Shyness can seek solace and learn more about their condition.