Anybody else find reading to be kind of unbearable?


Well-known member
I'm supposed to be reading a book and doing a review for a science class, but I got about 2 sentences in before I found it to be incredibly dull and closed the application (using a Kindle for PC to read it). So does anybody else get bored of reading as fast as I do?
I'm actually thinking about dropping out of college after this semester and one of the reasons is actually the mandatory reading and reviews that nearly every class forces you to do.

Anyway, kind of just needed to rant...


in a VAN down by the RIVER
I used to love reading, but over the years it's become more and more difficult. My concentration is all over the place and I always catch myself not knowing what I read once I reach the bottom of the page. When I was still in school it definitely hampered my studying.


Well-known member
I've got some mixed feelings on reading.

On the one hand, reading helps you broaden your horizons. You can become so much more than you are right now. Reading also helps with your self esteem. When you read a lot, you feel like, "Hey, I can converse intelligently about this subject! Yay!" So goodness all around.

On the flip side, reading stuff just because society demands that you "be grown up" can become a frustrating duty. Sometimes I pick up something that I think I "should" enjoy and I find it hard to admit that it's just a bit much for me. Sometimes it really is boring.

That said, I've found that as I read more my tolerance increases. Some stuff I find interesting now would've bored me a few years ago. Reading can be an acquired taste. An investment, if you will. Sink the time in to it now, and eventually the "duty" books become "voluntary" ones.

So my recommendation is to find a balance between expanding your horizons and forcing yourself to do stuff you don't like. Pain isn't always a good thing, but it has its benefits.

But yeah, I feel you to a certain extent. Keep at it, though!


You're not alone, a lot of people feel the same way. A lot of books have movie alternatives and people would much rather spend a couple hours watching rather than reading for a significantly longer period of time. In regards to a science book, though.. unless you're crazy about science then I'm sure it'd be unbearable.


Well-known member
I used to read a lot more. I do read more on the net than I thought though. Just not books like the paper ones that I used to collect. I love to read.

It's been scientifically proven reading stimulates very unique and important regions of the brain that are necessary to keep your brain healthy. Try to keep that in mind. It's a mental exercise like lifting weights would be for getting into shape.