Your anxiety moment of the day?


So this is a topic, where you can post your anxiety moment of the day.
To keep a diary of your moments, to help other's seeing it in another perspective, and help yourself looking back to these times.
To see yourself making progress. :]

So what kind of situation have you experienced today..
which made you feel anxious, nervous, awkward?

Could be ;
-The store, paying at the cash register, sitting in a bus/train, sitting in a restaurant eating with a huge amount of people around you, going to college, standing in the middle of a huge crowd.

1.What were you doing?
2.What kind of ''social situation'' were you in?
3.How many people where around you?
4.Were you alone, or did you have company?
5.What did you feel?
6.What did you think?
7.Did you do anything to make yourself feel more comfortable/relaxed?
8.Did you talk to people about it, or did you try to hide it?
9.What positive thought could you bring into your mind to help yourself? Self help thought... Just think of one helpful thought :rolleyes:
10.If you could do it over again, What would you have done differently, or what would be better in that situation you've felt anxious?, Would you done anything different, if you could feel ZERO anxiety?
Good thread, Saskia.

From yesterday.

1.What were you doing?
At a cafe/laundromat drying a big load of washing. Don't usually do this but we have incessant rain. The loads were spinning, I was having coffee

2.What kind of ''social situation'' were you in?
Public space

3.How many people where around you?
A few people around, it wasn't full

4.Were you alone, or did you have company?
alone, except in my mind

5.What did you feel?
Felt physically shaky

6.What did you thought?
Oh no, forgotten my meds, am I going to spill this, will people notice, how will I pay without possibly shaking

7.Did you do anything to make yourself feel more comfortable/relaxed?
Stopped my thoughts from running away. Tried to keep objective. When I paid I used my left hand, as the right hand is worse.

8.Did you talk to people about it, or did you try to hide it?
I've always tried to hide this. It brings a great sense of embarrassment, shame, loss of control. Thankfully this passes soon enough away from the situation. If I understand correctly, ppl with avpd can feel this way over prolonged periods, which would be horrid.

9.What positive thought could you bring into your mind to help yourself? Self help thought... Just think of one helpful thought
Well, others experience this, its common, it would be viewed by observers as merely a curiosity if they notice or care at all

10.If you could do it over again, What would you have done differently, or what would be better in that situation you've felt anxious?, Would you done anything different, if you could feel ZERO anxiety?
I'd love to be med free. I don't know if that is possible

1.What were you doing?
-I was paying at a cash register.
2.What kind of ''social situation'' were you in?
-My brother was looking for candy and he was searching 10 min,
the cashier was looking at me, and I didn´t know where to look at,
So I just stood in the middle of the store, being nervous. Just acting awkward. My brother said ´´This is it´´ and I paid at the cash register.
I felt embarrassed. I couldn't say hi to the cashier, because I know my voice was shaking. I felt so weird.. I dunno where this comes from,
I don't know what it is.. happens to me all the time... :/
3.How many people where around you?
-Like 10.
4.Were you alone, or did you have company?
-My brother. We went shopping.
5.What did you feel?
-Anxiety, embarrassment, failure.
6.What did you think?
Do I look stupid? Do they notice that I'm so anxious? Oh no.. I have to pay, what will the cashier think. Do I look frightening? People will think I'm weird.
7.Did you do anything to make yourself feel more comfortable/relaxed?
No. Dunno How.
8.Did you talk to people about it, or did you try to hide it?
When we walked out of the store I said Whoa, that was ''something'' o_O my bro said, C'mon Sas, people won't bite ;). He's so sweet :]
9.What positive thought could you bring into your mind to help yourself? Self help thought... Just think of one helpful thought
People won't bite. Like my brother said =]
10.If you could do it over again, What would you have done differently, or what would be better in that situation you've felt anxious?, Would you done anything different, if you could feel ZERO anxiety?
I should stay relaxed, and don't act so awkward. that is one of the main reasons why I feel so anxious. I should find a way, to cope with that.
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I think its normal to feel awkward waiting for someone else to do stuff in a shop when we have nothing to do. This is like waiting outside a store change room for a friend trying on clothes. In your situation you could send brother in alone and do something else, or use the time to objectively look at how you are feeling rather than be in the feeling
Flowergirlie: I work as a supermarket cashier part time and I have to say whoever served you sounds a bit sinister - what with the whole starey-glarey thing. :/ I get customers forgetting items/money on a regular basis and they usually leave someone behind while they go looking, which is sometimes pretty awkward. I attempt to make small-talk and if they're not responsive, well, I pretend to be interested in the book full of PLU codes.... :rolleyes: Try not to worry about it; most cashier's minds are elsewhere while they're serving; there's something really monotonous about scanning stuff all day, lol.

I'd say an awkward situation for me is when a customer kicks up about something really silly, like not enough bags for instance. If they're really aggressive about it I usually muddle my words up and end up calling for a supervisor - very awkward. ::(: