Zoloft (again)


Well-known member
I feel I didn't get enough answers from other 'Zoloft' threads. There are like 3 floating around but hey, whatever.

I personally Hate hate hate medication, I don't believe in it, and it kills something in me to do something I don't believe in. But i'm only getting worse, and I can't flunk out of school this last month. My new psch. is really pushing zoloft...
So if you've taken Zoloft, tell me the effects you had on your sleeping, sex drive, appetite/weight gain or loss, mood, brain shocks, energy, anxiety (durr), depression (if existant), and over all care for things. Overall opinion of it is nice to hear too.


Well-known member
i never tried them and i dont want to... i kind of feel the way you do. I just don't want to rely on some pill...


Well-known member
You know, I've heard a lot about that book. I'm not much of a self-help-book reader but I think i'll give that one a try. I also do believe it's all mental. I am aware of my negative thinking, so I guess I'm halfway there lol. Thanks


Well-known member
Mandy, if you don't mind me asking, how much weight did you gain from Zoloft? This is the major reason I am apprehensive... a lot of my social insecurities are growing hugely from my recent weight gain... I have heard that the weight cannot be lost for a long, slow number of months because it's a metabolism slow-down... I'm not so sure i'm up for this...=/ So please share, only if you don't mind of course.
I have also heard that some people lose weight so i understand it's different for everybody.


Mandy, if you don't mind me asking, how much weight did you gain from Zoloft? This is the major reason I am apprehensive... a lot of my social insecurities are growing hugely from my recent weight gain... I have heard that the weight cannot be lost for a long, slow number of months because it's a metabolism slow-down... I'm not so sure i'm up for this...=/ So please share, only if you don't mind of course.
I have also heard that some people lose weight so i understand it's different for everybody.

There are anti-depressants that dont cause weight gain, like Wellbutrin XL. They work better usually as augmentations to other anti-depressants tho. Wellbutrin suppresses one's appetite causing weight loss.


Well-known member
I've had Zoloft for about 2 years starting from age 17. My mum sent me to this boring old child psychiatrist who didn't seem to care much about what I said and so shoved the meds down my throat so he looked like he was doing something. I was on quite a high dose as well of 100mg and it probably did something nasty to my internals being on it for so long. Effect wise it made no difference to my depression and anxiety levels, not even a placebo effect!

They did a study somewhere and found that most anti-depressants are useless, and if they did anything it was due to the placebo effect.


Mandy, if you don't mind me asking, how much weight did you gain from Zoloft? This is the major reason I am apprehensive... a lot of my social insecurities are growing hugely from my recent weight gain... I have heard that the weight cannot be lost for a long, slow number of months because it's a metabolism slow-down... I'm not so sure i'm up for this...=/ So please share, only if you don't mind of course.
I have also heard that some people lose weight so i understand it's different for everybody.

That should explain a lot for me then. Sure makes a lot of sense, because I gained 50 lbs on this stuff. I've recently adopted a similar belief as yours, with a distaste for medication. I think this stuff has probably done more damage than good, so I aim to have these chemicals completely out of my body. Only problem though is the withdrawals. Maybe I'm not tapering off right ::p:


Effect wise it made no difference to my depression and anxiety levels, not even a placebo effect!

They did a study somewhere and found that most anti-depressants are useless, and if they did anything it was due to the placebo effect.

I agree with that. It hasn't positively affected my attitude at all.


Well-known member
im on 50mg of zoloft, ive gained no weight and my depression may have lightened up a little but my anxiety is still ridiculous I take Ativan for that, unless an increase in dosage makes a noticeably change then my opinion is that zoloft is bull**** for ppl who really need it and it works for people where it's all in their head, they could take a sugar pill and itd have the same effect. But that's just my opinion, everyone is different, not trying to be negative :p