Your proudest moment?


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It doesn't have to be related to your sp if you don't want, I just thought we should put and remember the things we have done that are good and made us proud even just for a little while!
Mine was when I got my first poem published. And related to the Sp, when I got up to do a speech(recently) at church. I thought I was going to die I was so nervous but everyone said you couldn't tell and that I did a really good job! :wink:


Well-known member
nice positive topic

last time i was really proud of myself was in december when i went to bouling with collegues, although most of the time i felt terrible i experienced so called ‘inertia of psyche’ for the first time, that is when you feel terrible for some time in social situation then suddenly feel good then terrible again and so on. I like remembering this bouling event because i realize ive progressed since that time thanks to cbt therapy, became calmer and able to look more rationally at things, have a very long way to go though..


Staff member
birth of my children, not that I put that much effort into thier birth :lol: but was proud to be some part of it :)


Well-known member
i remember when i was back in high school (almost three years ago now) i was sitting in english class and i'd been on paxil for a while. we were asked to write something and then the teacher asked for a volunteer to read a response to a movie.

i felt so sure mine was good enough to read out loud that i raised my hand and read the whole page out loud, the words flowing without a mess up or anything.

when i was done, they liked it so much i got an applause, something i've never seen happen in a class room!

i felt SO good after that...


Beating my drug addiction,im ashamed i got into that mess in the first place but thats how i coped at the time.Im proud that i never stole or borrowed or anything to fund it and im proud i managed to beat it.

I dont consider my self to be brave or tough or anything.. but when this guy was hassling my mum and wouldnt leave her alone to the point of him basicaly harasing her... i bumbed into him up town and i was scared inside.. but i went over and told him to leave my mum the hell alone and he better not even go near her again which he didnt.I was proud to do that.. because my mums supported me so much i was happy i could help her and show her i cared.

And congratulations everyone else :)


Thanks fluff, kind of you to say that.Its sweet that your son is already protective of you.. shows he must care alot about his mom. :)


Well-known member
wow this is a really good thread well done all of you!!!uve all done really well lets hope theres lots more proud moments in the future!!!!! :lol:


Well-known member
well its not so much a moment, but moving out was my best moment.

I didnt cope well for the first week so i cant say it was a moment, but ive not gone back to my parents for more than a few days since :D


Well-known member
scatmantom, that's a big step!! are you living by yourself? i'm moving into an apartment with a friend in august and though i have help for paying for it from my parents, i'm going to school, i'll be working, i'm just hoping one day i can handle it all myself

danfalc, kudos to you!! both of those are awesome things - good for you :)

cutefluffykitten - is that you in the pic?? you look like you're 18! - two kids?!? goodness woman my hat's off to you :D
Well done to everyone for their achievements!

My proudest 'moment' was starting college, I was barely leaving the house when I went for my interview, and then switching colleges last year because the last one stopped teaching A levels, very scary experiences that I'm proud of beating.

Me and my boyfriend are moving to uni together in 18 months, that'll be scary, but I'm hoping I'll be able to cope with it with the love and support of my guy :) then that'll be what I'm most proud of.


Well-known member
hmm good luck crazy :) you'll be fine! both of ya's. a new beginning! one of my really bad habits is assuming that the future's not going to be anything good. i assume that all i have now that's good is all there's gonna be and once i loose it - it's gone. but i have to remind myself that i never knew any of these good things would happen. hopefully plenty of new doors (good ones) will open for both of you :D


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A few months ago I had a long conversation with a nice girl I had met on holiday (and whom I really liked) and towards the end she told me something like "oh you are so self confident!" Obviously she was completely wrong, I am not at all, but still for me it was more pleasant than any actual achievement to receive a compliment like this. It will never happen again, I'm sure...

Unfortunately we never saw each other again after that evening (which was good perhaps, otherwise she would have certainly found out what kind of nervous wreck I am) :)

Oh and when I was five I once managed to assemble one mechanical construction toy that carried the label 10years+ on the box. That made me very proud indeed... I still remember it :D
Proudest Moment

The proudest moment of my life has to be when I made NCYL (National Council of Youth Leadership) It showed someone thought I had hope, and made all 4 years of working my butt off worth it. :D


Well-known member
Never been proud of myself but one when I was in primary school is when i got highest grade on all tests, but that was because the teacher kept coming over to me and told me thats wrong so i corrected it till they were all right so guess thats it :lol:


Well-known member
Proudest day of my life was being awarded a degree at my uni's Graduation Day. I even went into a nightclub to celebrate with my friends at the end of the night (and I absolutely detest nightclubs).


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Dreamer_13 I just wanted to tell you that you can be proud of everytime you encourage or help someone on here! You can also be proud of posting games that make us all smile even if it is just for a minute and forget about our SP for a bit! Please don't say you don't have anything to be proud about! I don't know you and I have allready found a couple of things.
We all have something to offer, something good that we do or have done.
I wish you all the best. :wink:


Well-known member
I just remembered another one, the first time I posted anything on this site! I was so nervous I was shaking a little! :oops: :lol: But I'm glad I did as I have met some great people on here! :wink:


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Probably the final day of my Toastmasters course i did when i was around 14 were you showed what you had learned. All the parents and friends of the 20 or so guys in my class were there and my job was to be an 'MC' of sorts aswell a give a 10 minute speech with nothing to hide behind and the audience quite close(i hate that especially) but i managed to get through it and people were actually applauding me at the end. To this day i still dont know how i managed to do that when my sa was close to its worst but its given me inspiration that anything can be done if i work hard to make it happen.
Sadly my condition was so bad that within days any confidence i had gained was shot to peices.


Well-known member
My proudest moment was when I went to the mall as silly as that sounds about 10 months back or so.It was the first time I went out in public place with a lot of people and didn't have a bad panic attack.I feel it was a big accomplish for me because I was working on it for 2 years and I was pretty much house bound before hand.