

New member
wow..i can't believe it.. theres actually people like me out there.. im so happy i could cry.. i dont know anyone who has the same problem as me..its excitng..I don't really know what to say but at the same time i have so much to say..

I know i need to go to the doctors about this.. i havent been 'diagnosed' with social phobia.. but i know i have it.. its like a person saying they know their depressed.. i just know. I'm afraid of going to the doctors and the dentist... everytime i talk i just blush and it seems like there just laughing at me.. this one time before it even got as bad it does now i had to read something infront of t he clas - by the way im 17 years old, but i had to read something and stand up and i was terrified but i blushed and people laughed and when i sat down this guy beside me said you went so red! i just wish i could've crawled in a ball and cried. I actually left school in october because i was so phobic of people - mainly doing anything that involved talking infront of people..its like i would blush everytime i talked to someone and even thinking about how painful it is it just makes me cry.. i remember one time i blushed infront of my boyfriend and i just wouldnt stop crying.. i just ran to the bathroom and didnt come out for a long long time.

my mom is encouraging me to get a job for a very long time but i just cant do it.. im terrified of interviews i won't and can't do it.. im so afraid of talking to people my heart just starts racing and i get a whole deal of anxiety and it sucks. not to mention im the most dependant person in the world.. i cant do anything by myself. but at the same time i get shaky and my heart starts racing when im in groups of 4 or more.. like its insane right now im shaking and i feel naucious and my hearts racing. what jobs are there for people who are social phobic.. alot of jobs require going through interviews (if not all)..and usually you always have to deal with people

this isnt my only phobia. i'm also terrified of hair, and the dark, if i dont have lotion i'll freak out, i cant stand people touching me or looking at me for too long. i won't talk to people in a group of more then 3, the fear of blushing..just in general..and the fear of talking infront of a crowd. the fear of being alone

I don't have many friends..and the one good friend i did was a drug addict and she moved and i havent talked to her in a few weeks. i miss her. :cry: i don't get out much either.. i want friends but at the same time i'm not willing to go out and attempt to make them.

Thanks for reading.. post any comments you have. good or bad.



I'm going to school online to become a medical transcriptionist (working from home). I have social anxiety as well, and I dropped out of school in 10th grade because of it. I did, however, force myself to go to college, and I failed miserably and ended up back home.

Basically, a transcriptionist just listens to recorded doctor's notes and types them into standardized reports so that the medical coder can turn it into code for the biller to bill the patient. At school, I'm learning a lot of medical terminology, anatomy, grammar, and more or less everything that I'll need to know in order to do the job. Just send me a private message if you're interested in the career and I'll show you where you can go to school with 90% job placement after graduation.



Active member
Is it very easy to find medical transcription jobs that you can do from home? I have been thinking about doing something like that but I don't know where to start.


New member
britt561 said:
wow..i can't believe it.. theres actually people like me out there.. im so happy i could cry.. i dont know anyone who has the same problem as me..its excitng..I don't really know what to say but at the same time i have so much to say..

This i'm sure has happend to everyone on here. Well, at least it did for me.
I thought i was the only person who was like this, and that i was a completel freak. But the truth is that there are millions of people with Social Anxiety, you just don't see them, because they are either staying inside most of the time, or when the rare occasion comes up that they go outside, they, like myself, are trying their darned hardest to avoid eye contact, stay out of any spotlight, and keep out of any sort of attention at all costs.

Very odd, that to other people, they never noticed me at all, yet, my whole life i thought everyone noticed me, that everyone was looking, laughing.

You are definately not alone.


Well-known member
I went through all of this - blushing at school - it was awful!

And why was it so bad....

Because of the value I attached to the blushing.

If you accept it as a normal physical sensation and place no importance to it (this will require practice!) you won't feel anxious.

It's because you and I and others automatically link blushing to anxiety that one follows the other.

Let the blushing come - place no value to it - in time (weeks) you won't blush.


New member
zeroday said:
hi britt,

im pretty much in the same situation as you but ive talked to a doctor. he suggested CBT which im consider and he gave me a prescription for propranolol and zoloft.

i didnt end up taking zoloft because of all the horror stories ive read.

i've taken propranolol which seems to have helped A LOT - especially when i'm doing presentations which i have A LOT since i'm studying commerce at university.

i used to blush like a tomatoe and sweat bullets in front of class. propranolol seemed to have stopped all this plus it slows down your heart rate too!

please talk to your doctor about propranolol!

good luck!

What are some of the horror stories?


Well-known member
Welcome to SPW. =]

I know exactly how you feel. And i'm in your same EXACT situation - i even have an ex best friend that moved who's an addict to top it.

You should talk to a doctor - i know it might be hard but it's the first step toawrds freedom. Take it...only good things can come out of it.