would rather be dead

Hello my name is Richard, I am utterly suicidal.
I have a hellish condition called emotional deprivation disorder. It is the cause of my social phobia.

All my childhood memories are of crying out to my mother, who was mentally ill and deliberately kept me alone.
Consequently I have never had any friends, have crippling social anxiety ( extreme avoidant type), and have been suicidal for almost every day of my life, which is not an exaggeration. The sick twist is that I am mentally fully developed, and desperate for love and friendship. I have literally an emotional age of 3, while being physically and mentally 21. I recently escaped my 'mother', and moved to my biological father. After 5 months of hardly talking, I finally broke down and basically revealed my child-self, who is desperately alone. He gave me a few hugs but no love. He is scared of my 3 year old behaviour, despite the fact that I am utterly non-violent, or self harming. I am just reduced to a weeping toddler, desperate for unconditional love. Having never had it I am nihilistic and uncaring, and cannot form any relationships. The only people to give it to me were my grand-parents, and consequently the year I spent with them was utter happiness, with no social anxiety whatsoever. Since they died my life is absolutely unlivable. Leaving the house is absolute torture, I literally cannot speak to anyone. In public I don a 'false personality', whereby I muffle the cries and put on an adult face, to avoid any stares. It is so painful to maintain I often twitch.

I have not had a social conversation for 10 years, trapped in my own body. The difference between me and someone with autism or schizoid is that I am desperate for social contact and friendship. My quality of life is torture, from waking to bedtime. Without the social phobia, I can be very witty and intelligent. With my loving grandparents alive I was a social magnet and could charm girls with ease. Without them I am utterly trapped inside myself, it feels like being literally buried alive. Even my father who has a history of working with mental illness, won't embrace me or engage my 3 year old personality. It's not an issue of family therapy, he just doesn't give a ****.
It's a complete ****ing nightmare, I have nowhere to go. I am so lonely I just constantly spasm/shake, and seeing anyone my age makes me cry because I know that with a normal mother, I would have been socialising with them. For all his intelligence my father has no desire to spend time with me, he refuses to acknowledge that I have an emotional age of literally 3 or 4, which is the age my 'mother' took me away. I haven't even mentioned the 20 years of psychological abuse she gave me, or a decade of school bullying, but the damage was caused by my childhood rejection. The single most painful memory is when I went to a summer camp, once a year for a few years. There was a girl I was obsessed with, and with my Grandmother alive I still had a small amount of confidence. It turned out the girl also liked me. Then the next year my Granny died, and at the camp I was physically frozen, I literally couldn't talk to this girl. She looked at me like I was insane. It was the most humiliating thing imaginable. I spent the whole camp hiding in my tent. That week haunts me every single day, and if I go on the facebook page of any of those kids at camp, I see they all have countless friends, relationships and so on, while I am trapped in my room possibly forever. Or I can go on the facebook pages of the countless kids who bullied me. Again, all their photos show them with happy faces. It is so torturous I just twitch with pain all the time. For many years I thought my problems were due to the way I looked, and I saw a freak every time I looked in the mirror, partly because of the many insults. I spent over £4000 trying to improve my looks, from dental improvements to steroids. The steroids made no difference because my actual physique has been affected by the psychological state. My muscles haven't grown since the year my Granny died, which only adds to the torture. Nobody has a clue what it feels like to be a 21 year old male, and can only do 1 or 2 pressups. It is so ****ing humiliating it feels like you are not a man. For 5 years I haven't left the house without a heavy fleece on to hide my looks. Because of imagined problems with my teeth, every time I have talked to someone I have done it with a half closed mouth, making conversation or friendship impossible. These aren't memories, they still take place today, every time I go outside. And I could have had a completely happy life, if I hadn't been raised by my mother. Knowing this fact just kills me.

To escape the horror I live in a fantasy world, where I imagine myself as popular and accepted. I go back to nightmarish situations and imagine me impressing everyone, instead of being utterly rejected.

I know that even seeing a therapist wouldn't be unconditional love, because obviously you are paying, there are rules of professionalism and so on. You can't 'buy a mother'. And in any case it took me 5 months living privately with my father before I even felt safe enough to reveal my true personality. The two occasions he has shown genuine kindness, I have grown up within minutes, and have become my healthy adult self. But he later revealed that those events were something he would have done anyway, for his own benefit. I often dream of a mother who consoles me and loves me for who I am.
The nature of my condition is that I don't think I could even see a therapist, I would just sit there silently. When there is a desperate adult trapped inside. I can't ring anyone either, my voice is that of a crying baby. I find it humiliating. There is so much locked up emotion I can't physically use any words to get it out.

When I initially broke down to my father, I mistakenly thought everything would be alright, and began to develop a parental attachment to him. With that came the same anxieties of any baby - the desire for constant affection, and a longing to be played with. As mentioned above, the one time he did 'humour' my child personality, I felt utterly calmed and grew up within minutes. I no longer thought the world hated me. But then I found out it didn't come from his genuine affection, he was just 'experimenting' in his words. I am dying of loneliness. I find myself using the same body language as a baby, crying out for a caregiver. Obviously coming from a 21 year old male, to an outsider it looks as if I was retarded - When in fact I am fully aware, and utterly harmless. I can no longer display the child behaviour, because he threatened to literally have me sectioned. 21 years of hell and then put in a mental home!?. I am just so ****ing lonely, it feels like I have just been born and there is no parent around. Having looked at my mother's history, I now find out that the entire thing has taken place for no reason, and I would have been a normal kid if I had any other parent, which makes me weep even more. There is no single 'bad memory' I can expunge with a therapist, my entire life is unthinkable pain. If I get a sudden memory of that year with my grandparents, I just shake with ecstasy. And yet that would be normality for anyone else. All I have is a little box with my old photos of them, my only friends, and they are dead. I don't even have the balls to kill myself, and I don't want to. I am just locked in my body, it feels like having surgery while fully conscious, for years and years.

thanks for listening


Well-known member
Wow... I read your whole story and I just barely know what to say. It's not often people leave me speechless. I am so sorry to hear all you have been through and are going through. I can relate with you on some levels having been raised by a mentally ill mother myself and what not but... I can hardly imagine how you must be feeling right now... Welcome to SPW at any rate, and I hope that you can find some solace and comfort here as I did. These people are fantastic... they are quite literally the only friends I have ^^
Well sir your story is a sad one. I'm sorry to hear of your troubles and I sympathize with your pain.
Good Luck


Well-known member
thats a sad story mate ... all i can say is i hope you get some good advice on this site , there are lots of people who will read this and hopefully get back to you ... keep your chin up mate keep going , hope things get better real soon ... gazza
I am so sorry u had to live a life like that.,.. but u say yourself u are witty and intelligent, u have big emotional issues.. now what u have to do is become self sufficient, then find a person u can rely on, give yourself the love u were denied..easier said than done, but i rly thing u should see a therapist and **** ur dad:p dont tell him **** anymore.. and when its hard remember the good times and how u can and WILL be normal again.. u have all the qualiti4s, just smthg stopping u, smthg that can be solved :) if u ever wanna have a talk pm me anytime :)


Well-known member
I'm not sure what to say, but I am sure that there are probably no words I could find that would make much difference. My sympathy lies with you, Richard.
Thank you for posting, and I look forward to seeing you on here in the future.
Don't give up. Please? :)

Fear of people

Well-known member
I feel for you also, I too feel very lonely within myself and I'm happily married for one, how ever this is no cure for my loneliness by no means. I have no friends to speak of as such, except for my husband that is, which is better then nothing I suppose. I consider myself a social outcast due to my extreme shyness and have difficulty interacting with other people due to my shyness and have no idea how to hold a conversation, due to poor social skills. I'm very avoidant towards my neighbours and find it extremely difficult to even say the word hello, due to the fear of making a fool of myself or the fear of blushing and that day-to-day fear of worrying what people may be thinking about me. I know for a fact... deep down I do have a problem how ever, I'm to ashamed and embarrassed to admit that I do have a problem to other people, as though it is a death sentence, if I reveal to any one that I suffer from SA, therefore it becomes a vicious cycle for me and feels like a dark secret only I know about.


Well-known member
I really feel you. I've never heard of emotional deprivation disorder before. I've looked up the symptoms and it sounds like something I could have. Both my parents had severe mental disorders and both of them abused me emotionally to no end. I was also repeatedly sexually abused by my mother.

I would go down about how much I've never even spoken in my life to anyone, and how I've been living in fantasies for as far as I can remember, but I can relate so much to your post that it simply leaves me speechless. If it wasn't for these freaks, I would be a normal and happy person, and I wouldn't have done all the horrible things I have done (i.e. being a living but silent punching bag).

I too wish I was dead. Often I think I already am, but I just can't die when I see the knife that could kill this monster laying only a few inches from my hand.

If only I could reach it...
Well, the first step is going to have to start with you Richard.
Physically you are an adult now and you cannot but blame on others anymore.
I do the very same far to often and I am 8 years older then you.
There are a lot of people who can give you advice. We have a whole UK forum
here so I am sure you can get a lot of advice there.

Good luck to you. We are all here for you my man.


Well-known member
The nature of my condition is that I don't think I could even see a therapist, I would just sit there silently. When there is a desperate adult trapped inside. I can't ring anyone either, my voice is that of a crying baby. I find it humiliating. There is so much locked up emotion I can't physically use any words to get it out.
Print out your entire post, go to a therapist and give it to him/her.


Well-known member
Wow, my heart goes out to you. I really wish there was something i could do to help, whenever i read peoples life storys like yours i feel the need to help in any way i can. If there is anything i can do let me know. Just know you're very welcome on these forums and we're all a lovely bunch and would be glad to get to know you. :)


We all suffer from pretty much the same thing. One way or another all of us on this board and even the few that haven't found this site or cannot gain access to online, we ALL had been neglected. I can sympathize with you, but I don't feel that one persons life is worst than the other. We all had it hard... Sorry if I'm being cold. But I've heard my share of stories on this board, and some of them are just torturing. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure I don't wanna live anymore either.


It looks like you are totally dependent on others to give you love and personality, otherwise you have none. (At least according to what you say). You seem to depend on the fuel from outside and assume no responsibility for your life and behaviour. Millions of people had bad childhood, but you can't fix that anymore. But at least you can begin to assume responsibility and not depend on emotional fuel from outside.

Maybe it sounds harsh but without starting to assume responsibility yourself, noone else will help you. If you expect some unconditional love fuel from outside to give you life, you may as well wait for eternity. There is so little of it in this world and you're not the only one who lacks it. But even if you did get it, what use it is of if you snap back to the present state after it's gone? You have to start generating something yourself, in my opinion. Life is not about having everything and being comfortable, it's about learning how to overcome difficulties.
Thankyou everyone for the kind responses. Darkseeker's friend request and a PM from serafina were symbolic for me, the first offers of aquaintance I have ever had. My mother planted in me the belief that everyone on the planet hates me, and this was reinforced by a decade of bullying. I still have that half-stuck in my head, nobody has ever told me otherwise. Also, I still can't stop myself from going on the facebook pages of kids I once met, and seeing the pictures of them happy and with friends, it cuts me up. That girl at the camp, I weep every time I think of her. I am repeatedly being told I have merely 'depression', and need to take 'some drugs'. I don't even want to kill myself, it feels like I am ready for life, but someone is holding me back, and I watch my youth waste away. Like I said to someone before, I have to resist the urge to repeatedly ask: 'are you really my friend?? really?', I don't even know what a friend is.
Thankyou for the kind words everyone


Print out your entire post, go to a therapist and give it to him/her.

Well the good news is you already know what the problems are and where they started. Another good thing is you're young enough to get the help necessary and enjoy the rest of your life that you have left. Don't give up on yourself just yet, you didn't ask to be brought in this world and you didn't choose your parents either, so don't carry the burden of their screw ups. I swear some people shouldn't be allowed to have kids. But try and see a professional and start to live for yourself. I wish you the best of luck man.