World Of Warcraft Thread


Well-known member
I stopped playing a while ago. I started just a couple of weeks before BC (on Christmas night) and the first character I created eventually became my main when I finally understood what I was doing. I remember going back to him when I was already comfortable with the game, it was a level 20 paladin and it had cloth, leather and mail items, from grey to green items. For some reason I thought that green/blue items were worse than white and grey ones.
I stopped played a few months into Cataclysm, then bought MoP some months after it was out and played for a month. Pretty much just levelled my main to the max level at the time.

The reasons why I stopped playing were many. I couldn't find guilds that did activities when I could: dungeons and raids were always when I was having dinner and I couldn't change that. My RL friends didn't play any more. It was also pretty expensive to pay 13€ a month. Basically, I was no longer having fun just playing by myself.
I sometimes get urges to play again, but it goes away eventually.

I also enjoyed that virus event a lot. A couple other moments I loved were when I got my warlock mount and the guild that I was in at the time. As for the warlock mount, this was in TBC where you couldn't just buy it. You had to do tons of quests to gather certain materials, and then you needed to go to a dungeon. There was no group finder back then, we could only do dungeons with people on the same server. The horde was pretty dead on my server and people were playing TBC, so I had no one to do a vanilla dungeon with.
My guild at the time decided to help (we were just 15 or so), and even though I didn't do much, it was a really nice experience for me. I loved that guild and people in there, but almost everyone migrated to another server and I was left alone.

On that same warlock I also met a popular warlock on the server, and he taught me some things and helped me quite a bit.

Had lots of fun healing in dungeons as a holy paladin.

Your Favourite expansion? Burning Crusade.
Your Fav class, race, spec etc? Holy Paladin. As for race, probably blood elf. My paladin was a human, my warlock was a blood elf.
Your most hated adversary? Rogues. I hate their stuns.


You want to know how I got these scars?
I don't play guild style now. I had a break for a year and now play 'lone wolf' style.
It's such a huge world and most of the time I like just questing and exploring.

Such a beautiful world.