Work Referances


Well-known member
I'm guessing a lot of people here have been underemployed, so I'm curious what do you say to potential employers if you don't have any referances.


Well-known member
I put family members with different last names than mine as personal references and then stretch the truth as far as certain spaces of unemployment. Say I worked seasonally at my mom's friend's flower shop etc. I've worked at the current job for 2 years tho now so don't have to worry much now.


Well-known member
Most employers simply want to be convinced that you are going to be a good worker. It may help that you have references, as it is more convincing if someone else tells them that you are a good worker, but as you can get your point across that you will try your hardest, learn the role quickly, and will be good for the company, then references are only a minor point.