Wondering if anyone has and ideas for my problem


Well-known member
Ok first off I would like to acknowledge that what I am experiencing is not the same as hyperhidrosis, but hyperhidrosis is the closest I can think of to my issue, I also completely understand how it feels to have the issue (also why I'm posting here, there are some similarities).

Anyway my issue is with a constant runny nose. It started when I had a near fatal car accident six years ago, since then whenever I'm very active my nose starts to run (heat also helps exacerbate it). My primary care physician thinks the wreck might have caused a shift to my sinuses not allowing my nose to drain properly (as I did have a lot of head trauma). Actually now that I type it out I just realized that I also have some nerve damage and slightly limited use of the right side of my face's muscles, maybe that's the true cause.

Anyway what I'm wondering is if anyone has any other ideas to the cause, or any suggestions to help relieve the problem. I've tried some nasal sprays for runny noses but the fix is very minor.