Seems that she's just got a computer that works, so I've asked over the internet to talk to her tomorrow morning and she said I okay. Bit disappointed that I couldn't ask that in real life but now I can ask her if she'd like to do something without the others and (oh my god) now I can't back out of it so I'll possibly have an answer tomorrow. Just thought I'd say.
(Edit 02/06 because I don't want to bump the thread, this should be on a blog or something)
Well it happened, took me a fair bit of umming and erring to get started, it was almost a complete blur. She seemed happy and with what I said she surely must have got what I meant, but I still can't see her calling. So the next step is to ask if she 'would like to x on x day', 'just you and me' and see what she says.
If Facebook fails then I'll have to ask someone else I know to ask her to text or call me because I still don't have her number.
I like her more every time I talk to her, I go funny when she comes in the room! It's a schoolboy crush! One day I might actually get to know a bit about her and will find out how I really feel.
Like anything would happen other than friendship but I guess you have to try.
Seems that she's just got a computer that works, so I've asked over the internet to talk to her tomorrow morning and she said I okay. Bit disappointed that I couldn't ask that in real life but now I can ask her if she'd like to do something without the others and (oh my god) now I can't back out of it so I'll possibly have an answer tomorrow. Just thought I'd say.
(Edit 02/06 because I don't want to bump the thread, this should be on a blog or something)
Well it happened, took me a fair bit of umming and erring to get started, it was almost a complete blur. She seemed happy and with what I said she surely must have got what I meant, but I still can't see her calling. So the next step is to ask if she 'would like to x on x day', 'just you and me' and see what she says.
If Facebook fails then I'll have to ask someone else I know to ask her to text or call me because I still don't have her number.
I like her more every time I talk to her, I go funny when she comes in the room! It's a schoolboy crush! One day I might actually get to know a bit about her and will find out how I really feel.
Like anything would happen other than friendship but I guess you have to try.