Wish it would last a little longer :)


Well-known member
Heh :)

Seems that she's just got a computer that works, so I've asked over the internet to talk to her tomorrow morning and she said I okay. Bit disappointed that I couldn't ask that in real life but now I can ask her if she'd like to do something without the others and (oh my god) now I can't back out of it so I'll possibly have an answer tomorrow. Just thought I'd say.

(Edit 02/06 because I don't want to bump the thread, this should be on a blog or something)

Well it happened, took me a fair bit of umming and erring to get started, it was almost a complete blur. She seemed happy and with what I said she surely must have got what I meant, but I still can't see her calling. So the next step is to ask if she 'would like to x on x day', 'just you and me' and see what she says.

If Facebook fails then I'll have to ask someone else I know to ask her to text or call me because I still don't have her number.

I like her more every time I talk to her, I go funny when she comes in the room! It's a schoolboy crush! One day I might actually get to know a bit about her and will find out how I really feel.

Like anything would happen other than friendship but I guess you have to try.


Well-known member
So I didn't say what I wanted to when I talked to her before.

The other night we were talking in a normal way on Facebook and, after a while, I spewed this weirdness - yes, I am embarrassed about it now:

"how about doing something together, only small, just us? probably does sound a bit odd but basically it would be nice to get to know you, like everyone seems to with anyone else in five minutes. i'm just sorry i took a year to ask. i'd never forgive myself if i never did."

Then she stopped talking to me, so after a while I said:

"you're hinting aren't you. no hard feelings. if you want to go back to what we were talking about... any ideas what job you're looking for?"

...and nearly an hour later, she came back and carried on talking to me about that! So she seems happy to talk to me about anything else.

What (I hope) is an important thing to say here is that she said she had some cleaning to do and so maybe she just left at the wrong time. Also, I find that on Facebook, if you send someone a message and they don't answer straight away, they tend to forget that you said it.

I think I'm clutching at straws though. She saw the message, didn't she? Surely she wouldn't forget about that? She's answer if she wanted to, right?

Do you think that it would have confused her? Would she not have understood what I meant? Or was she, indeed, hinting?

I'm sure you're going to tell me that she probably was... as difficult as it is, I'm of course going to give it a rest, and I'm just hoping that she'll suddenly get back to me about it.

Earlier she also said that other people will still be there and "they're just as good as me." Yes, but... no. Sigh.