Wish it would last a little longer :)


Well-known member
I've just come back from a good time at work! It was just the two of us, and I actually talked to her, almost like a normal person. About proper stuff too :D

Not that it was a massive amount but that was the most I've spoken to anyone, quite possibly ever, actually. She actually started talking to me a few times too.


Well-known member
Hey man plenty more fish in the sea. If ever you come out of your shell one of these days then the world will be your oyster.


Well-known member
If only... ;)

It made me feel 'normal' for a while.

Hehe, looks like you guys saw what I took out! Who am I kidding, I think she's lovely. Actually getting to talk to her on Saturday just made me feel that more. And as a bonus it seems that she doesn't hate me!

I've got myself a little carried away here, haven't I. I'm not daft, I know that this is just a silly crush. Then again, you don't know until you try, and all that? If I can't ask her, there's no reason why I'd be able to ask anyone else. Not that I know exactly what I want to ask her yet :lol:

I would talk to someone who knows both of us if I could be certain that it wouldn't end up flying around the office.

Anyway, this all seems a bit trivial when people are talking about things like suicide...


Active member
thats really cool. I love when those things happen (since they don't happen often to me at least). I can only imagine how happy you were when that happened and now looking forward for more


Well-known member
burner21 said:
thats really cool. I love when those things happen (since they don't happen often to me at least). I can only imagine how happy you were when that happened and now looking forward for more
It was really, really great. That was the happiest day I've had for a long time. I've just had a look because I posted about it, and the last time that same thing happened was in November 2007. At least I can say I didn't waste it like I did that time.

...and now it's back down to earth with a bump. Actually, yesterday I was almost talkative, but today was rubbish again. But tomorrow is another day!

Edit: Maybe I'm not being as stupid as I thought. It may be a crush, and I don't know too much about her, but isn't that the point? I want to do something with her to find out more about her!


Well-known member
Please tell me to go for it... or if you think it's a really bad idea.

Also, today at work we had small reviews about how things had been going over the last month or so, and she said that I'm talking to them a lot more. The hairdresser (!) has said the same kind of thing. But all it does it remind me how far I still have to go. Ho hum.


Well-known member
Just to say that I have found out that on 30th June we will no longer be working for the dating company, so therefore she will no longer be my boss, and it won't cause the obvious difficulties if it doesn't go as intended. If I don't do anything, I won't ever see her again. I have nothing to lose really. I think I will go for it.


Active member
Like you said you have nothing to lose :D . If you feel confident about it then go for it. Even if she says no, i'm sure it will feel better than a life time of regret.


Active member
exactly, you'll have nothing to lose. and like joldo said: what will be worse in the future? her turning you down or you never asking her at all?


Well-known member
And they said romance was dead :p

I did ask, but of course it came out as something like, "any chance we could do something outside of work when I come back from holiday?" and she said, "yeah, we'll organise something." I'm 75% sure she thought I meant us guys who worked together, not "us". I didn't correct her because, well, it suddenly felt like it would be a bit full on. I'm kicking myself that I didn't but then again I don't want to freak her out until it's really the last chance.

Hopefully we will end up doing something like she said, but I'm not going to let this chance go.

(Edited, don't know why I always have to write an essay)


Well-known member
You should get everything straightened around with her ASAP. Make it absolutely clear that you want to spend time with her, not just the guys. You may think you're waiting for some grand finale, but you may never get the chance. Plenty of times I thought I would wait til the last second to do something only to realize the window of opportunity had closed. If you're not going to be working together anymore, you may have already spoken to her for the last time, as far as she is concerned anyway, because she doesn't know you're interested in her outside of work.
This is just a suggestion but I would say something like, "When I mentioned getting together the other day, you know I meant me and you going out sometime, right? Not just getting together with coworkers." If she says no thats not what she thought, ask her if she would be interested in going out. Don't wait! Good luck! :D


Well-known member
You're completely right, aren't you. Unfortunately I'm going to have to put this on hold for a week because I'm going on holiday tomorrow - just at the wrong time. I'll be back to work on 25/06, then I have three or four days left working with her.

She said that she'll stay for a while afterwards doing something else but the chances of talking to her again won't be good.

I'll be straight back on it when I come back.


Well-known member
Well done aj! You keep it up and keep pushing the boundaries! We need to hear some success stories too! We all need to bite the bullet at some stage. You did!


Well-known member
Thanks but I'm not sure I can do it. I'm going to have to ask to talk to her in private for a minute because I just can't do it with other people around. But it's my last chance tomorrow. I couldn't do it today. Help :(


Well-known member
You can do it. Slay the beast. You may have to wing it a little, but here are some suggestions:
- Have a piece of paper ready with your name and phone number on it.
- Go up to her the first chance you get (instead of waiting all day and getting more nervous).
- Say "Can I talk to you alone for a minute?"
- When you're alone say "I know we won't be seeing much of each other at work anymore, and I was just wondering if you might like to go out sometime."
- If she says yes, ask for her phone number then give her yours, tell her you'll give her a call, say goodbye, exit.
- If she is unsure or doesn't answer right away, hand her your number and say "Tell you what: Here's my number. If you think you might want to go out give me a call. If not, thats cool too." Act like you have to get back to work and leave quickly (with your dignity intact).


Well-known member
As soon as I walked in today she told me that the four of us from the team will be going out for dinner next Friday. They/we haven't decided where yet.

So I didn't need to do it. I was almost disappointed because I wanted to be able to say that I'd done it. But I'm obviously over the moon that I'm seeing her again and we'll all be back together for a one-off thing.

Needless to say I am absolutely crapping myself about it but I'm just not thinking about it. I have no idea how I'm going to eat anything, I'm going to be so scared. But I can't wait because I love em all :)

I wrote down my number and gave it to her because it was a good time to do it. Not that I can see her calling/texting, she said we'd probably do it over the internet.

Thank you so much for that Dan, that's pretty much how I was hoping it would go.

I will try to do the last bit next Friday if I don't completely disgrace myself with the meal.

In fact, if I'm still alive at the end of it, it'll be the perfect opportunity to tell them how good they've made the last year, won't it?

(Edited slightly - essay again)


Well-known member
Oh cool. It'll probably be more relaxed because its a 'friendly' sort of dinner. Nice touch slipping her your number :wink: .