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coriander1992 said:Sebr3 said:. Women don't have to pay for anything, as they expect us men to, and don't believe that feminist bullshit that proclaims financial independence from men, because it's always the man who has to pay for everything.
See I was going to be good and stay away from this thread, until I read your pathetic little mis-guided bull crap of a comment.
What the hell do you mean women don't pay for anything?
Of course they do!? 8O
I meant in the context of relationships, I am sorry, but there are many women who still expect the guy to pay, they won't admit it, but they do.
Loads of women have jobs...they have to, just like you men.
Yeah, that's cool and I have no problem with that, but women have the option of having babies and dropping out of the workforce for certain periods of time. Men don't.
What about single mothers? They don't have a man to "pay for everything" so how the heck do you think they survive?
Generous welfare benefits provided by the government. Here in Australia, a woman can have children to multiple "bad boy/thug" fathers, and collect very generous welfare benefits. It happens - FACT. Many women have to start taking responsibility for their poor relationships choices, and stop generalising that all men are bastards, because we are not.
For God's sake people, open your eyes will you :?
They are open,wide open, and I can see the bullshit that goes on.
Some of you are so bitter about your own failures and shortcomings, and far too ignorant to admit it, that you just blame everything on everybody but yourselves to make you feel better.
None of us perfect, and who the fuck is?? Yeah I am bitter about not being able to establish relationships with women, lots of guys are, do you think I am the only one??. We are known as "love-shy" men, and a book has been written about it - go to, and download the free book written by Dr Brian Gilmartin. And no I don't blame everything on everybody but myself to make myself feel better. But I, and many other love-shy men do get angry when we get insulted and criticized for something that's not our fault. I have tried to ask lots of women out, but I always get rejected, because I am "too nice" (whatever that fucking means), or not good looking enough. Read the book by Dr Gilmartin, and maybe you may open your eyes about our situation.
"Oh my life is so hard, it's ok for them they have it easier"
That's one of the most pathetic posts i've ever read on this forum, and i've read a fair few. :roll:
Pathetic??, and why is that?? The difference between me and you is that I can qualify my points of view with FACTS, not emotions and feelings.