I think it's quite obvious that I did not, in fact, commit suicide.
And please, don't label me a coward; depression and anxiety are serious illnesses which have the ability to displace any sort of logic or compassion which a person would normally possess. While it's apparent that I've lost my grip on my own emotional retention, it's quite clear that you have no idea what you're talking about.
To have possessed such an astounding amount of narcotics (ativan and ambien), one would have to have seen a psychiatrist, or have one hell of a drug dealer. I was prescribed my medication by the former. It's not as simple as you seem to believe; medication and counseling aren't a panacea.
It has been my understanding that this was a forum for venting and networking. I didn't post my initial message for sympathy; I was confused and looking for some bit of understanding.
It's not my intention to be an asshole, but I would appreciate it if you didn't try to berate me with pseudo philosophy and references to your posting name -which clearly indicate your own illusions of grandeur.
Trust me; you're not as smart as you think you are...
Thanks, though, to everybody else for the help!!!