Why is this site SO SLOWWWWW for me?


Well-known member
I rarely come on here because the pages take SO long to load. I've never experienced it on any other website. Just this one. I haven't seen anyone else complain about this (I dunno where we go to talk about site issues?)...So maybe it's just my computer? When I first get to the home screen and click on a topic it seems to be fine. But, when I try to click to see the next page of the post it takes ages to load. It will stay on the page I'm on for a few minutes until finally it flashes onto the one I wanted to go to. It doesn't only happen with the topics, but the user control panel, my profile...everything. I always have this site open with various other sites so I have something to do while it's loading. It's very annoying. I become intrigued by a certain topic with multiple pages and end up spending 30 minutes reading the entire thing and most of it's because the pages load so slowly.

I'm definitely not a computer expert! So, what's the deal? What could be the problem and why is it only on this site?


click on tools
then internet options
click advanced, then tools
then click reset (at the bottom)
you will then see green ticks on 3 bars, then click 'ok'

then switch your pc off and unplug the cable modem (the mains power lead)
plug it back in and wait til you see all the lights on (or even plug in and leave 5 minutes until you do that)

ps, im not a doctor::eek::


Well-known member
It could be alot of things. You may need to clear your browsing cache. Also, it might depend on your settings for this site. How you view the threads and how many posts you have shown per page.


Well-known member
Weird. As soon as I posted this it started working! ::p:

Figures! I'll try your suggestions next time it starts acting up again. Thanks!


Staff member
Is this your PC?



Well-known member
all i can say is this site was slow for me as well , funny thing was all other sites were fine , then one day a wise man came down from the mountains , hes a hermit he lives off the land , he drives a tank , i think his name was remus , he said dont use internet explorer , download fire fox , and you know what its now fine , i think hes gone back up to the mountain now living in some hidden cave ... but thanks hermit whoever you were :)


all i can say is this site was slow for me as well , funny thing was all other sites were fine , then one day a wise man came down from the mountains , hes a hermit he lives off the land , he drives a tank , i think his name was remus , he said dont use internet explorer , download fire fox , and you know what its now fine , i think hes gone back up to the mountain now living in some hidden cave ... but thanks hermit whoever you were :)

:confused: see the next time i decide to read your posts, please remind me not to::p:


People don't realize this, but its not only the internet cache that is causing the issue. Sometimes its your registry. If you install/uninstall a lot of programs and such; there's bound to be hundreds of obsolete files lying around. You need to run a Registry cleaner; I personally use COMODOS Registry Cleaner or you can try CCleaner. I use them both to clean my internet cache and registries.


People don't realize this, but its not only the internet cache that is causing the issue. Sometimes its your registry. If you install/uninstall a lot of programs and such; there's bound to be hundreds of obsolete files lying around. You need to run a Registry cleaner; I personally use COMODOS Registry Cleaner or you can try CCleaner. I use them both to clean my internet cache and registries.

i use system mechanic (but its out of date)
cheers for the info nack :)
i wonder if these programs are free on download.com


i use system mechanic (but its out of date)
cheers for the info nack :)
i wonder if these programs are free on download.com

Yea they are free, I'm a cheapskate. Hehe, I try to find things for free, if not I throw some dollars at it.