Why do people who can talk to people and who have people..


Well-known member
.. like them feel that they have a problem?

A) I have no friends, not even acquaintances who I regularly talk to.
B) I cannot bring myself to talk to people.

I know there must be other people like this, because people have posted so.


Well-known member
Perhaps that is all just an act and they feel very different on the inside. The fact that they have to keep up this act could become a problem in itself - it's hard to pull off when you feel like shit on the inside - it's exhausting to sustain something that you are not genuine about - the falseness of it gets to you. You can never tell with people - what's going on inside of them.
I too have no friends. I have in the past but i find it just too much effort to sustain any relationship.


Well-known member
Hey Jack..I have the same question.

There's a bit question mark over my head that says "WTF".


Well-known member
Jack7......I think everyone feels that they somehow have it worse than anyone else.
I have friends... some close friends. But still.... that does not make everything magically feel better. It his hard to sit through classes for an entire year never saying a word.... while everyone around you can all talk to each other, and you know you are some kind of joke to them. It isn't fun when you feel different from everyone else. When you are the only one of all you know who has never dated anyone. Or, you can't do normal things like going to work without feeling so afraid, and feeling terrible when you are talked to for not being able to ask a customer if they need help out to their cars.
I guess everyone had their amount of things that they have to go through.. and everything feels terrible for them. For ages at school, I had no friends at all and I would go through entire days saying maybe only one or two words. I thought having friends would make me completely happy... but now that I have them, it only makes other things seem all of the worse.


Well-known member
I don't mean to be an idiot with this thread, although I probably am being. I've just found it difficult recently trying to understand what I need to do and how I ought to be thinking.
Carina.. I know, I've made acquaintances with people since I've been to University, and now I feel like I'm doing worse because I'm not doing as well as they are :?
I don't really like pretending that I'm ok when I'm not. It's all a bit strange to me. I like to face things if I have a problem :?


Well-known member
Jack7 said:
I don't really like pretending that I'm ok when I'm not. It's all a bit strange to me. I like to face things if I have a problem :?

I know what you mean.... it is always difficult for me with my friends. No matter what I tell them, and they are not many, they are not able to understand how I cannot talk just because I can talk to them. And, even worse than that, they would never suspect that I was anything less than perfectly happy. I am always cheery and joking no matter what... and they have no idea how sad and depressed I sometimes become.