Why do people ask for my help?


Aight so sometimes when im at uni and every1 is sitting on there desk and like if im next to them sometimes they would ask for my help instead of asking the other person beside them. It's happened to me a few times.

So does this mean people like me or?? there using me or wat?

why do they ask me and not the other person next to them??


You don't look intimidating enough.

is that good or bad?

its not that i don't like helping people it's i wonder why they ask me, cuz when i think that everyone hates me then like a few days later everyone is nice and then it goes in some sort of weird cycle.


Well-known member
is that good or bad?

its not that i don't like helping people it's i wonder why they ask me, cuz when i think that everyone hates me then like a few days later everyone is nice and then it goes in some sort of weird cycle.

Depends, if you want them to stop bothering you, it's bad, I suppose.


Well-known member
Maybe you come across as being a very smart, &/or very helpful person. Those are both good qualities to have. You should be happy that people view you that way. It might help your SA if you start to think that people are thinking that positively of you.

As for being intimidating, it's not good to be intimidating. Most people don't like intimidating people & it's best not to come across that way.
Aight so sometimes when im at uni and every1 is sitting on there desk and like if im next to them sometimes they would ask for my help instead of asking the other person beside them. It's happened to me a few times.

So does this mean people like me or?? there using me or wat?

why do they ask me and not the other person next to them??

People always assume that if youre quiet in school, you're bound to be smart!