Why can't life always be like this


Well-known member
this is more a rant then anything else

After 3- 4 months of none stop depression, I had an SA free day yesterday at school and today at work, I don't remember laughing and having fun like this in quite a while, why can't everyday be like that. I know soon i'm gonna go back into my dark cycle but it felt really good while it lasted :)


Well-known member
I had one of these days two weeks ago. I absolutely loved it, and I really don't know how it happened. I wish everyday was like that.


Well-known member
I've had a couple moments like that (lasted a few hours, not a whole day). I think it was the adrenaline rush involved. My friends were kind of shocked to see the real me.


well i can be in cicles constantly! So i guess i got kind of expert on issue...mood changes happens for medication effects or something good happened during that day or before. It might go for a simple good music, good night sleep, a chat conversation with a friend or...get exercice, catch a really nice day of sun....or not get worried as usually!

Did anything happen different on that day?