Why are extroverts so afraid of us?


Well-known member
I was on a bus today and none of the loud people chose to sit beside me; they simply walked past me and chose to sit elsewhere (this happens often to me).

But a few minutes later some introverted girl immediately sat next to me ( :lol: ), while ignoring the loud ones. I wonder why extroverts are SO afraid of us. It seems to me that extroverts fear introverts just as much as introverts fear extroverts. Any thoughts?


Well-known member
i fear introverts... no idea why. i'm fine with extroverted peeps for the most part, but if there's another shy person around it's just a bit too much shyness for me to handle! even if somebody seems slightly unwelcoming, my heart skips a beat. i guess i feel like if somebody judges or dislikes themselves, they're sure to judge or dislike me. but for people who seem comfortable in their own skin, i'm completely fine with approaching. but then again, in the end it takes a comfortable/confident/extroverted person to make others feel welcome...


Well-known member
I'm confused, are you sure you are an introvert? I feel much more at ease among other introverts.


Well-known member
I think some extroverts feed off peoples attention and reactions so they don't like not knowing what you think of them... other extroverts don't notice or care.
It really depends on lots of things and varies loads between people.

in the end it takes a comfortable/confident/extroverted person to make others feel welcome...
That can be true, but then not all confident people are friendly and welcoming. I find it hard to generalize which I'm more comfortable with.


I dont think it's a matter of fear, but perhaps a lack of understanding. Or perhaps they read something in you body language that gives them the wrong impression. I know that when I am feeling anxious, I act kind of aloof (not intentionally) and people most likely read that as a "fuck off" kind of vibe.


Well-known member
Argamemnon said:
I'm confused, are you sure you are an introvert? I feel much more at ease among other introverts.

here's my take on it: extreme cases of introversion and extroversion are basically the same exact thing. both revolve around what other people think of them, to a fault. the introverted personality avoids people for the risk of humiliation (based on what other people think), while the extrovert asserts themselves into society and looks the sharpest they can all the time... in order to avoid humiliation, or rather gain the comfort of acceptance (based on what other people think). so what do you call an introvert who tries their best to assert themselves?

the important part is to find a balance. but the real reason i'm afraid of introverts (even though i pretty much am one half the time) is because they usually have a tendency to send off a very uninviting vibe! yet for some reason, they seem to intrigue and fascinate me all at the same time, so i guess really it just depends on the person.

moodygoo said:
in the end it takes a comfortable/confident/extroverted person to make others feel welcome...

That can be true, but then not all confident people are friendly and welcoming. I find it hard to generalize which I'm more comfortable with.

true, but then again, it's hard to decipher between confidence or people who are just plain cocky! if somebody's an absolute dipshit to me, regardless of extroversion/introversion, i'm going to want very little to do with them... however, i guess at the end of the day it all comes down to the basic welcoming/uninviting viibes i get from different people. it always varies from person to person!


Well-known member
yeh but nervous extroverted people grate on my nerves, i work with a boss who is this type of person who will speak for the sake of speaking without saying alot, one who talks non-stop about mundaine things like the weather, the tasks we are undertaking that it becomes uncomfortable and i'd much prefer he not speak at all then to fill in gaps like that because i have to constantly re-affirm him, he's such an approval seeker its not even funny and i know he is just trying to make conversation but its always so damn needy and not necessary ...

where as i'm introverted and can go without saying anything for an hour if i dont have anything i feel worth talking about, and that is fine with me as i dont feel so needy about making noise all the time ...i just lay low and put my head down

when i'm at home and i'm relaxed or not at work i'm different..

i dont believe in speaking for the sake of it unless its appropriate

dont get me wrong i can be silly and fun too but it depends on the environment as i tend to find work such a depressing place to go to as your a slave to the wage and the staff are a slave to the customers, i wish i could stop over-thinking about it, but thats my take on it.