whos your favourite super hero?


mine is batman

batman can

whos yours?

somebody should probably put a daily cap on my thread making capabilities lol
Batman: lost his parents at a young age and instead of becoming bitter he vowed to fight crime and to prevent the same thing that happened to him from happening to others...Plus I love his physical and most importantly psychological battles with the Joker....those two are my fav hero v.s villain combo.


Spiderman: he's extremely agile and quick, and he swings like tazan but does it with webbings on buildings, Hands down the coolest super hero to watch. He's probably the most popular super hero behind Batman and Superman.

Storm: Because shes so damn sexy and strong, she controls the f*cking weather dammit! Visually her brown skin in contrast with her glowing white hair looks beautiful, I still think Angela Basset should have played her in the movies, because Halle seemed nothing like the character in the comics and animated series. Storm rocks

Night Crawler: Because can do everything spider man does PLUS teleport! LOVE HIM



Well-known member
Batman has been my hero since I was a kid. Batman is my life! I learned English by watching Batman cartoons. I just like him 'cause he has no super powers. He's pure skill!!!

"I fed a drooling mugger his teeth. By the dozen. He's probably still coughing them up. I kicked a sadistic ******* pimp through a pane-glass window and kept on kicking his sorry ass down the fire escape to a two-story fall onto wet pavement that the woman beating-creep will never forget. There's nothing like a little appetizer before the main course." - Batman =)
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i like how batman can beat the crap out of superman even though he just has muscles from working out alot and a few gadgets to throw in