Who's Benny Hinn?


Well-known member
I just wanted to apologize once again for my manners, or lack of them, when it comes to handeling compliments, especially ab. my looks. I don't know why i responded the way i did. I can see that I might came across as being rude although that was definately not my intention. :( I also want all of you to know that I really did appreciate it. Actually when I look back at my previous reactions in the "real" world to these type of compliments I have usually reacted in a similar way. I guess it is just my lack of confidence that comes to surface and also worrying that people might think I walk around thinking I'm pretty or something... that's why I guess I have a hard time believing in such compliments as I don't.


Well-known member
LA-girl said:
Actually when I look back at my previous reactions in the "real" world to these type of compliments I have usually reacted in a similar way.
Wait, I'm not real? 8O Well, that would explain a few things...

But, yeah, I know what you mean, whenever someone says something similar to me I'm convinced that they are just being nice. Hey, if we knew how to behave in public we wouldn't be here! :lol:


Well-known member
LA-girl said:
(Sorry you guys, I really suck when it comes to compliments!)
Thanks though to all of you, it's very kind although I do take it with a BIG pinch (make that a spoon) of salt! :wink:

Scandinavian girls, with their innate attitude for pleasant polite understatement *second sigh* :)

And you like vintage italian scooters as well. I own one, so maybe...erm...I could come for a visit? 8) I will let you drive it and refuel and even register the clutch cable if you like, it's a promise.

PS "with a pinch of salt" doesn't exist in italian, but the same exact expression was used in latin back in the good old times! (cum grano salis) I wouldn't bet it had survived over there, go figure why :roll: :)


Well-known member
cLavain said:
Wait, I'm not real? 8O Well, that would explain a few things...

A-OH! That wasn't supposed to come out...sorry bout that! :? :wink:

Quixote wrote:
And you like vintage italian scooters as well. I own one, so maybe...erm...I could come for a visit? I will let you drive it and refuel and even register the clutch cable if you like, it's a promise.

Wow, do you really mean that???!!! 8O I can't believe it...that would be so generous of you! Maybe my long awaited dream will be fulfilled afterall! :mrgreen: I think if it did my expression would be something like this:



Well-known member
What are these idiots doing with my scooter.

Maybe my long awaited dream will be fulfilled afterall! I think if it did my expression would be something like this:

Well, it might be better to avoid then, I guess... :wink:


Well-known member
If you watched the clip I put out in my post above you will see Benny Hinn is advocating something that is referred to as "Slain in the Spirit."

Here is a little article explaining the complete lack of Biblical support for this phenomena:

http://www.letusreason.org/Pent14 .htm

What do we find? We do not see any of this practiced or even hinted in the Scripture. When the Spirit came upon Jesus at His baptism He came up out of the water; He didn’t collapse and sink down! The Lord Jesus had power to heal even the worst cases of disease, blindness and crippled limbs, and yet no one who Jesus ever touched fell over “slain.”

Many travel to crusades to get this anointing from the anointed mediator who dispenses it. What is the purpose of someone being knocked to the floor and they are picked up and the whole procedure is repeated up to eight times. Was not the first time enough to receive an anointing. What is the purpose of this experience all about? Who is getting the attention at the time? We are not to be drawing attention to the vessel but the Lord who is working through the instrument. Is the first anointing that he places on people not enough? Or is it for show? He sometimes has people falling together like a violent pile-up on a freeway. People are lifted off the ground resembling a martial arts movie. Nothing glorifies God with this behavior. Martial arts, Chi power, the Gurus touch people ( as in the occult), and can certainly knock them over. These are similarities that cannot be overlooked. Can someone say touch or wave their arms or point their fingers and release the anointing having someone go down. When we see Tele-evangelists blow on people they go down yet when Christ breathed on the disciples they did not. When Jesus touched people they did not fall. God has not entrusted this type of power to any man today.

The fruit of the Spirit is self-control. The question those who are open to new experiences should ask themselves is… would God offer me an experience that has me sacrifice a characteristic of the Spirit? Would He cause me to act in a way opposite to His nature and what He himself is trying to conform me to?

The Bible commands us to test it. Mature Christians test the spirits; babies, weak and carnal Christians avoid testing, (Hebrews 5:13-14) because of naiveté or just insecurity and wanting to avoid know the truth. The result will be the same for all who do not guard their souls. They fall into destructive and non-Biblical practices that hurt their own Christian walk and testimonies. Much like the speaking in tongues as proof of the Spirits presence, this too has gone beyond the Bibles boundaries.

People have succumb to the oldest charade, in their pursuit of a blessing they have abandoned truth in place of a supernatural experience without ever testing the source for Biblical proof. Does the Bible show people line up in a church service in a row and have the power dispersed from an anointed person. There are no conduits for his power, Jesus has and always will be the baptizer of the Holy Spirit we don’t need any other mediator. Jesus is our example. When Jesus was anointed, the Spirit came upon him as a dove, not as a wild animal like a rhinoceros.

Those who participate in this practice need to consider what they are really attributing to the Holy Spirit. There is no Biblical precedent for this and need to consider the source of the activity.