Who else spends weekends alone?


Well-known member
Most weekends I spend alone. It doesn't bother me as much if I have something to do. When the weather is nice I'll go for walks in the park or for hikes to help get in shape, this way I feel like I'm doing something, even if it isn't with anyone else. Long weekends really suck and the time just seems to drag. Holidays are worse since I have no one to spend them with usually.


Active member
coolguy2005 said:
I don't go out with friends because I don't have any really...but I do spend time with family.

The advantage of this? I get to focus on my studying and get higher grades.

I have friends but they all party too much and I'm trying :p to get away from all that right now and focus more on "cleaning" up my lifestyle. :)

And my plan for the upcoming long Canadian winter months is to take some online courses, so like you, I'll need that extra focus on my studies to receive excellent grades! 8)


Well-known member
I do that, too. almost all weekends, i take my car and go by myself to a so far away place and do totally stupid stuff like playing games with my mobile or listening to radio. i don't leave the car though.
It's a stupid life. i don't think anyone would share it with me. I'm designed to be alone. Thanks god! :cry:


Well-known member
I ussualy spent weekends alone during the last years, except the days I were to my relative's partys trying to meet poeple and make friends, although that didn't came up as I expected. :evil:
Before I moved to another city I did had wonderfull weekends :lol: , compared to what I have now, wih my best and only close friend and also his mates, witch became automaticly mine. The fact that they were about 4 or 5 years younger that me didn't bothered me at all, although I knew damn well my mind would think like I was they'r age and didn't helped me to learn from them much and gain social experience to comunnicate to people my age...but I now suffer the consequences. How I wish those days would come back, it's a cruel world. :cry:
I spent the last 2 weekend and all my free time researching about social phobia on the internet and reading forums like this. I don't know if i'm doing it wright because this is my first post ever, but unlike others, I hope you people are more understanding because I don't know if i'm posting were i should, I want to post a reply to topic ''Who else spents weekends alone''. I need some help here, so I'll be kind of buggy asking these stupid questions about how to use a forum, sorry. :oops:
<offtopic> I sent a personal story 3 days ago, why hasn't it been aprooved yet ? My low self esteem says that it wasn't good enough, but I want to tell myself that is hasn't been read by the moderators yet. :?: <offtopic>