Who else spends weekends alone?


Active member
To add to this, most of my friends are guys. I always feel most comfortable talking to males, especially if we have the same interests, insecurities, dreams, things like that. Dunno why! :?

But then again, that contradicts everything I've already posted, about being upfront and "myself" when it comes to dating.

However, I'm talking about "old friends" who I feel totally comfortable with because I know they've already accepted me for who I am. :)


I have done in the past, it’s even worse when it’s a long weekend due to public holidays God they can feel like they will never end.

I did try and go to places where other people were around. however I found that was worse than being on my own. I was surrounded by people who were part of a couple (not just in the romantic sense ) or group of friends, this just compounded my feeling of isolation and it would make me feel depressed. :roll:
So I avoided these places also, talk about a no win situation .


Active member
Funny, it's the long weekends I look forward to. I can do whatever I want, on my own, mind you, I still long to be with my friends. It's not every weekend that I do this, but still, when it is those long lonely weekends that arrive, I have no immediate family here and everyone at work is discussing all the relatives they're going to be visiting. Bummer for me. :cry: No pity party here though, at least I'm trying not to have a pity party. :p

But I know what you mean, everyone is in they're own "cliques' (sp?) and you're kinda left out in the open, looking alone & feeling alone. It's an awful feeling. :cry:


Well-known member
Faith said:
To add to this, most of my friends are guys. I always feel most comfortable talking to males, especially if we have the same interests, insecurities, dreams, things like that. Dunno why! :?

Lack of competition from men I'm guessing, I don't feel comfy around other women at all. In fact, I'm going to label this 'condition' as femaphobia - fear of the same sex. :lol: Yeeha!

Funny, it's the long weekends I look forward to. I can do whatever I want, on my own, mind you, I still long to be with my friends.

It's a contradiction isn't it? But I understand what you're saying. I don't think humans can survive being alone 24/7, I enjoy the time I spend alone but after a few days of not seeing anybody at all my brain turns to mush. 8O

How has your weekend been so far?


Im always alone nearly all weekend all of the time but find it can be slightly nice occasionally yet unbearable mostly.



Active member
black_mamba said:
Lack of competition from men I'm guessing, I don't feel comfy around other women at all. In fact, I'm going to label this 'condition' as femaphobia - fear of the same sex. :lol: Yeeha!

I find a lot of the women I meet are kinda "catty." Even gossipy to the point where its' just "enough already!." And I don't feel comfortable with that, so we have no common ground ON SOME LEVELS, if that makes any sense.

It's a contradiction isn't it? But I understand what you're saying. I don't think humans can survive being alone 24/7, I enjoy the time I spend alone but after a few days of not seeing anybody at all my brain turns to mush. 8O

How has your weekend been so far?

My weekend has been relaxing actually. :) I had a couple friends call me up to go party and stuff. But it get's tiresome after awhile. I'm still lonely but the time I spend by myself is time well wasted! haha! I'm watching Under The Tuscan Sun and wishing I had the cash to take off to another country and buy a villa!!! haha! Maybe I should write a book. Anything sells these days! :p


Active member
shy_uk said:
Im always alone nearly all weekend all of the time but find it can be slightly nice occasionally yet unbearable mostly.


We all need time to ourselves, no doubt about that! But people with social anxiety, I find, have such a desire to get out and enjoy the world. We just don't know where to start or we don't have the courage to go out and experience life. :D

Life is tough but we can get through it right? :wink:


Well-known member
I spend everyday alone,all i have are online contacts,i dont consider my family as not been alone.They dont understand me and im sick of trying to explain,so i may as well be the only person in the house :|


Active member
Boundless said:
I spend everyday alone,all i have are online contacts,i dont consider my family as not been alone.They dont understand me and im sick of trying to explain,so i may as well be the only person in the house :|

Thank God I come from a family who almost totally understands this. Like I said before in another thread though, some are too proud to admit they have a problem. Like my dad, older brother & sister. They pretend they don't know what those of us in the family have, and shrug it off as "it's all in your head." But I've seen the social anxiety in them also.

I'm a people watcher, and I notice insecurites right away, especially in my family. :wink:

I understand your frustration though, really I do. I tried explaining it to my ex who had a family of 12!!!!! Some people just don't get it because they don't take the time to understand. That's all I can figure! :?


Well-known member
Faith said:
I find a lot of the women I meet are kinda "catty." Even gossipy to the point where its' just "enough already!." And I don't feel comfortable with that, so we have no common ground ON SOME LEVELS, if that makes any sense.

I can't stand gossip, even when men do it I find it pointless and cynical. The only thing I share with other women is an anatomy, other than that, I've never met another female who shares my opinions or hobbies so its hard regardless of SP. :? God damn.

And yes, almost anything sells these days. I dream about writing a book too, but I think for all the wrong reasons. Plus I don't have anything original to say. Doh! Try this link though if you're semi-serious, its really fun... SoYouWanna write a book?. :)


Active member
black_mamba said:
[And yes, almost anything sells these days. I dream about writing a book too, but I think for all the wrong reasons. Plus I don't have anything original to say. Doh! Try this link though if you're semi-serious, its really fun... SoYouWanna write a book?. :)

Thanks for the link. I'll be sure to check it out. For the time I spent in university, my English prof encouraged me to write. Like you though, I thought I had nothing original to give. I think we all have a story to share, it doesn't have to be a novel or a best seller. The one thing I learned was to write about what YOU know. Which for me isn't a hell of a lot. But I could get creative! :D

And so could you! :) Thanks again for the link and the convo! :wink:


Active member
Weekends alone are great. They seem to be the time where I become most unhinged. I usually try to make up work for classes I was too lazy to do or wasn't able to concentrate on. Otherwise I just sort of stare at the walls or go out for a drive for no particular reason. Fun times.


Well-known member
I don't go out with friends because I don't have any really...but I do spend time with family.

The advantage of this? I get to focus on my studying and get higher grades.


Well-known member
Actually, the weekends are the time i DONT get alone..my mother comes home on the weekends, and most of the time, i babysit 2 of my cousins all weekend....its the weekdays I look forward to, cuz i finally get to be alone...

but i dont get to do anything fun or nothing. I dont leave the house any day and you can only have so much fun inside the apartment lol


New member
I spend most weekends alone. It doesn't bother me at this time of the year though. For some reason, in the summertime I tend to feel guilty for sitting indoors when everybody else is out enjoying themselves. In winter, if I look out the window, I don't see as many people outside, so staying inside feels somehow less unhealthy. My bedroom is my sanctuary.


Well-known member
squeakyfish said:
when im not at work, i spend my time alone although i play online games... that count? :p and call me crazy, but i dont think i mind being by myself!

That's cool - it's only a problem if it's causing you to be unhappy. ^^


Well-known member
McShy said:
I am in demand every weekend..yeah REALLY!! ANd yes I do have bad SA/SP, but I choke it back and every time I find that people like my company..... It's not US v the world it's US v US, so just give it a shot..you never know, it's gotta be better tahn weekends alone?

thats great McShy! but what if one doesnt know anyone to go out with? for me my usual weekend options are stay at home alone or go to pubs/bars alone and get depressed watching everyone else in pairs or groups and getting rediculasly drunk because Im too shy to talk to strangers and the occasional time I get bold enough to say hello I usually just get weird looks or told to "fuck off back to ugly farm"