Which kind of therapist should I see?


Active member
Hey everyone,

I am so completely fed up with my social anxiety that I've decided to give therapy another try. My first therapist didn't help me much at all, but to be honest I wasn't entirely truthful with her because I was so nervous inside and ashamed of the way I was. I want to give therapy another try, but I'm not sure what kind I should go to? I want someone to counsel and help me but I also would like to try medication. Would that be a psychiatrist, or do they strictly prescribe medication without much therapy?

Also, could you guys give some tips or share your experiences with therapy/getting prescribed medication? I just don't want to feel miserable and nervous this time around. Also, isn't it kind of ironic that social phobic people have to go meet a person and tell them their problems (which are shameful secrets for most of us) when our biggest fear is talking to people and being judged? It's really kind of cruel! I'm getting nervous just thinking about it.


Well-known member
Hi Beals! I haven't been to a therapist yet, but read a lot of books and articles online about it.. There are many different approaches..

If you google 'social anxiety therapist' you will get a lot of helpful stuff.
Always ask if they had dealt with (what you have) before and how successful it was or such.

There are helpful articles on what to ask a therapist, for example if you also have OCD here: Right_Treatment (more articles on OCD and similar here: Articles by WSPS Practitioners )

He says it's best to find someone who can provide both counselling and prescribe meds too. (Personally I'm mostly against meds as a lot can be done with just attitude and thought changes too, lifestyle and nutrition changes..)

I helped myself when I was a teen and later with books and such, this is also something you may want to explore! (Even if you go to a therapist, so you can go less and it may be easier...)

I like CBT - cognitive behavioural approach as decribed in The Feeling Good Handbook by Dr David Burns and elsewhere... You may want to read a bit about it...

Some therapies can even be done online, via e-mail or Skype or webcams... (I think you need money for them though, while conventional stuff can be free, depending on your insurance).

In our country (Slovenia) most psychiatrists just prescribe meds, I hear, so people may be better off with a psychotherapist or psychologist (who don't prescribe meds). It may depend where you live, always ask individually. Or google them up and check their website.

They're probably used to hearing many different things, again it may depend a bit what they specialize in. Good luck!
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Well-known member
There`s so many options. I think the book "Dying With Embarrassment" is excellent and really helped me quite a lot.
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