Where im at and maybe this can help you :)


Well-known member
Hi all :)

havnt been on in quite a while. hope you are all well and hanging in there!

I just wanted to say that within the last few weeks i have seen some HUGE improvments in my life. Still struggling of course but i dont be focusing on the struggle anymore...i focus on the positives. I want to share with you all how i have come to the progress i have. firstly if you read some of my past posts you know that i was in addiction counselling. I am pleased to say i am off drugs now 5weeks and hoping for many many more weeks and i know there will be. But i know most, if not all arn't on drugs so this wont apply...but give them up! Okay some things for you all:

1) Attitude - VERY VERY important. If you have this self-defeated attitude then you are setting yourself up for failure. Sorry to be blunt about this but stop digging the holes of self-pity, they wont help. I know its tought but you need to stay strong. Again, I know it is really tough and you feel defeated by it, but thats my point. If you feel defeated, you will be defeated by it. You need to REALLY believe that you can beat this.

2) Positive thinking - The three C's - Catch, Challange and Change you thoughts. It is really difficult in the start but over time you will begin to automatically reconigise when you are being negative and you can change this. If you dont believe it, fake it until you make it!

3) Mental rehearsal - this is for worrying. I was a HUGE worrier and still kinda am but with this technique my worries can be change into what i want out of a situation and help me to believe i can really do these events. This is the site i was recommended to use: Mental Rehearsal | Psych Innovations .It is really hard to focus on it but that shows it is working. A tip for the excercise, if you imagine your self being 'fine' in a situation that is all good, but imagine you will be 'amazing'...it will make you feel empowered and feel that you can handle this. I wanted to give up doing this excercise lots but i didnt, i stuck with it and it has paid off for me.

4) Excercise - i now participate in a weekly gym class. Its a spinning class and it is very intence. But after the class i have little or no anxiety. Excercise releases endorphins and these can help to uplife your mood. You all may already know this but just get out there and get involved in activites.

5) Get out more - i know there are some people who sit in their houses, even bedrooms all day and expect change to happen - sorry to be blunt but change wont happen that way. Even if you set targets and work slowly to get there. The more you get out the less of a task it becomes over time. Its hard i know, i turely relate and i empathise with you all but just do it. How bad do you want to change?

6) Yoga - i started yoga to weeks ago and i have to admit, i was doubtful starting but the stretchs are so releasing and within the class everyone is focused on their own bodies and their own breath. So its not like anyone ill be looking at you. So recommend getting yourself into a class where it will help your anxiety, your body and mind.

7) Stress - If in your home their are parents/siblings who are doing no good for your stress levels, steer well clear. Dont get involved, walk away. Also NEVER EVER believe that you can fix someones problem - you cant. The only life and problems you can change is your own. If there is alot of stress at home, engage in stress managment. You will find lots of tips on the net.

8) Lists - I have begain making lists everyday of all the positive things i have done or even consider doing. You can write the negatives as well, but do you think that will help? My opinion is no. So if you have on paper or typed out the positives, this allows your mind to see the good you are doing in your life and the good that is in your life anyway. Honestly it really helps to see the positives.

9) Goals - I set clear goals for myself everyday. I found by havnt this written down or typed up then i am more likly to turn my procrasination into motivation. Even simple things like do the washing, hovering etc. to things like the mental rehearsal, deep breathing.

10) Grounding - in an anxious situation, focus on you feet. Feel grounded. Imaginge roots are growing from your feet and planting into the groud. It will halp you to focus on something rather then the people around you and the anxiety symptoms.

11) Releasing - release the tenceness in your body. When we are anxious our muscles tend to cramp up and for that reason it can make our bodies feel kinda stiff. Release then and feel the release, it helps!

12) Hope and try - if you dont try you will never suceed. Where as if you, try fall, get back up again you will be more likly to suceed again. Dont ever give up hope. Like i said in point one, attitude is major. Please for yourselfs dont feel defeated, you can get thru this and be at peace someday with who you are and you CAN find the balance in your life. Dont let anxiety hold you down. Do what you want. You can do and be anyhting you want once you put your mind to it. Be strong, stay strong anf you will have strenght.

I am far way still from being where i want. But why would i focus on that, only to feel weakened. I am focusing on the step, baby steps i have taken and i know that it will be a long process till i have walked the walk. But steps are steps, big or small...you are moving!

I hope that one day you will feel where i am now and the positivity i feel...its great! Wish you all the best and i hope that you may find some help in these points. Try and work with what works for you. Use every situation and learn from it. Try different things, techniques and keep trying until you find what suits you. We all have it in you but importantly dont feel defeated...or you will be.

Take care all...will be back on again at some point...and i hope for yourselves you can pick up your positivity and change your mental attitude. Sorry, but if you dont, you will remain stuck in you situation and thats a fact.

Good Luck! :)


Hey great post. Thanks. A lot of people don't like to hear these things - that you have to give up certain mindsets, etc. And of course, it IS hard. If it wasn't, we'd all be "cured" by now. But it's true, you really CAN get better. I've come a long way myself just by pushing myself. I'm definitely going to keep these things in mind as I continue to work on my issues.

Also, I want to comment on number 7. I've realized I've spent way too much time trying to change people. I've put myself through hell dealing with these kinds of people - the ones who won't see their own issues no matter how hard you try to make it clear to them. Why did I never ask myself, "Why am I wasting my time? If they want to continue on with these issues, let them! It's only hurting them, not me."

Seriously, it's so not worth it. It's a cliche saying but it's true: life is too short. Do you want to look back on your life and realize all the wasted time because of petty people and problems?

Focus on the bigger things. Work on YOU.
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Well-known member
This is all fantastic stuff. I'm going to give each of these I try for definite. You're very right about making steps forward, if I don't challenge myself I feel like I'm going around in a circle.
Good luck with your progress, You're an inspiration