Where are you weakest at?


I am weak at the following:

Talking to girls or strangers (they think im a prick at all)
Almost just about anywhere outside my house.

What are yours?


Well-known member
Well...here you go:
seeing people I know and not running away like a chicken. :eek:
dealing with change and the unexpected
answering the phone and making calls
talking to/ being in the presence of guys :oops:
parties and anything outside my "safety zone" (which is pretty small) :)
keeping up and initiating a conversation


Well-known member
iam pretty much the same to what you guys said already.

my'safety zone' is my room in front of my computer.


Well-known member
Most probably stuff like school, uni ...

To be honest though, it bores the shit out of me.


Well-known member
1. At home, worrying about going outside because fear of all neighbours.
2. Doing a speech
3. Speaking in a large group, when all of the attention is on me.
4. Working for a boss.


Well-known member
Well, here are a few of mine:

Parties and social gatherings- my worst nightmare for me. Haven't been to any in a long time. Used to worry weeks in advance when I had to go to one.

Using the phone. It's only a simple device and other people may use it freely and without anxiety, but I absolutely hate it.

Standing up for myself and confrontation. For a long time, I've let people say whatever they want to me and treat me like crap (which has just made SP worse), but I'm currently working on this.


Well-known member
IceLad said:
Well, here are a few of mine:

Parties and social gatherings- my worst nightmare for me. Haven't been to any in a long time. Used to worry weeks in advance when I had to go to one.

Using the phone. It's only a simple device and other people may use it freely and without anxiety, but I absolutely hate it.

Standing up for myself and confrontation. For a long time, I've let people say whatever they want to me and treat me like crap (which has just made SP worse), but I'm currently working on this.
hiya IceLad....these are the same for me :roll:


Well-known member
Hello Maggie. 8)

I'm just trying to imagine what it would be like the two of us on the phone, arguing with one another over the fact that the other one never turned up for a meeting we had arranged in advance.

lol :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-known member
Man...there are so many things I'm bad at.

Is it weird to be afraid of phones? I hate the sound of a ringing phone. I have huge anxiety even with calling my closest friends...sometimes even family members. That doesn't seem normal, because they're all people I could talk forever with. For some reason I'm so afaid I will have made the effort to call, then we'll run out of things to say and I won't be able to talk. But...whatever.

I'm bad at....being aware of myself. If I am talking to someone I don't know too well, I can't stop focusing on how I look and sound. Lately, I've been going in circles, trying NOT to fous on these things when I'm with other people.

I can't get myself to say something if I'm not absolutely certain that I will be heard.

I am afraid of my social skills now too....I've never really doubted them before. Now all of a sudden I am around a ton of kids my age and when they're all joking and whatever, I have no idea how to joke or use...the right language for them. The furthest I can go is talking about boring things like school, and my job, and whatever. Once I forget about caring about that-I'm perfectly fine depending on who I'm with.


Well-known member
IceLad said:
Hello Maggie. 8)

I'm just trying to imagine what it would be like the two of us on the phone, arguing with one another over the fact that the other one never turned up for a meeting we had arranged in advance.

lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
hmmm....interesting :twisted: ...probably would be a very quiet..short..polite... argument..and..would we reschedule? :wink:


Well-known member
maggie said:
IceLad said:
Hello Maggie. 8)

I'm just trying to imagine what it would be like the two of us on the phone, arguing with one another over the fact that the other one never turned up for a meeting we had arranged in advance.

lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
hmmm....interesting :twisted: ...probably would be a very quiet..short..polite... argument..and..would we reschedule? :wink:

We'd probably say that we'll call each other in a few days time to reschedule but.......we would either wait for the other to make the call first, or just put it off doing it ourselves time and time again, and so never getting round to it! :lol: This brings me onto another thing I'm weak at- getting round to doing things.

I've had all these goals and objectives in my head for so long, yet I never seem to get round to achieving them. At this rate I'm going to be 70 before I pluck up the courage and start fulfilling them.


Well-known member
IceLad said:
maggie said:
IceLad said:
Hello Maggie. 8)

I'm just trying to imagine what it would be like the two of us on the phone, arguing with one another over the fact that the other one never turned up for a meeting we had arranged in advance.

lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
hmmm....interesting :twisted: ...probably would be a very quiet..short..polite... argument..and..would we reschedule? :wink:

We'd probably say that we'll call each other in a few days time to reschedule but.......we would either wait for the other to make the call first, or just put it off doing it ourselves time and time again, and so never getting round to it! :lol: This brings me onto another thing I'm weak at- getting round to doing things. yeah..me too..and i always have a list..(i'm kinda obsessed with lists)... going with all the stuff i need to do...and i get lots of satisfaction crossing something off :twisted:

I've had all these goals and objectives in my head for so long, yet I never seem to get round to achieving them. At this rate I'm going to be 70 before I pluck up the courage and start fulfilling them.


Well-known member
weakest at? hmm lol

talking on the phone to someone i dont know well
doing things on my own? im very dependent

i guess thats about it


Well-known member
Meaning weakest at situations you can't possibly avoid? ok . . .
-Social areas

I didn't put parties because i avoid them and so on.


- First well speaking to a girl that I find attractive and I want to get to know. It's always been hard for me to just even say Hi when I see a pretty girl walk by.. I don't know what to say.. and if I did decide to say Hi I would think they would think of me as a weird person.. it's the fear of rejection I know.

- Talking on the phone like other people have said.. I do most of my talking to people on the internet. It's crazy because I can be in front of the phone for minutes.. my heart will start pounding and I just start to feel like I'm going crazy or something.. because I always feel like I'm going to call at the wrong time while the person is busy or doing something and doesn't want to be disturbed.. that's what I think fears me most calling at the wrong time.. and they'll get mad.

- You know those first days of school when the teacher goes around the room for each student to say there name and talk about themselfs? Yeah I hate that.. I really do.. my heart starts to beat hard.. and when I speak I feel like it's obviously showing that I'm nervous just by the way I sound.. I just don't like it.

- Procrastination.. I probably put things off more then I should.. and then I end up never getting around to it.. or if I do.. then it took me forever.. not all things.. but some..

- Not speaking up when I should when I want something.. maybe it's because inside I feel like I don't deserve it.. or maybe I'm not good enough I don't know.. but I know that I tend to keep things up inside until it just eats me..

- Stressing myself out over the little things.. how people perceive me.. and how I go about.. like sometimes people will say I'm really quiet or I'm really shy and sometimes I end up stressing myself out over it.. like I put myself under mental torture just by overanalyzing things and thinking about things too much.. making small things into big things.. and I end up being too hard on myself..

Those are some.. I might have more.. but those are from the top..