Where are you at regarding SA


Well-known member
im just curious as to what stage are you at regarding your SA, i would say at the moment for me its at its most crippling! for instance i cant even talk with my family because we never get along and my parents only listen to what they believe is right so while i can talk to them about my problems they just think that there is a given way that people should act that is set in stone, they can also be verbally abusive alot of the time about minor issues, but thets how they chose to act so thats more of an external inconveniance for me, im at Uni and im not confident at what im studying at all now that the course load is getting more intense in the final year...also my best friend doesnt talk to me anymore because i ditched an invite that i couldnt make but he took offense to me not turning up, so as far as relationships go i dont have any right now and thats not the main problem, the problem is that i feel like im not accomplished or content with my own security, knowing that i may be thrown out on the streets if i fail an exam and if that happened then i would have nowhere to go in my current situation, alot of it has to do with my childhood and that i was haselled and targeted at school.... thats in the past but i'd be a liar if i said it hasn't affected my attitude regarding people, thats a monkey on my shoulder thats slowly fading over time because i realise its a cliche of most schools and perhaps i was over sensative about being singled out, i just think that the root of my insecurity is that im walking on egg shells regarding my career being 23 and realising that perhaps im in the wrong Uni course, for those who live away from home do you share rent? or live alone? i just feel like im a burden on every person i come in contact with, i know people my age who run their own business and are living on cloud 9! in the sky! and im happy for them ya know..thats brilliant! i just compare myself to others and i dont like what i see...at the moment...i know it could change with a spur of confidence because its happened before where ive had moments when things were looking up! so i know that change is possible...bleh im babbling now.... :lol:

So anyway what stage are you at with your SA, i know around 2 years ago SA was almost non-existant for me then it came back again :?


Staff member
from this time 6 years ago where I was twitchy eye and agorophobic/panic disorder/general anxiety disorder, I'd say 80% better, still got eye contact problem though


Well-known member
This is a timely question considering I've had my b-day in the last couple of days. 8) 8)

I would say compared with 5 years ago, I've improved between 20% - 30%. There are many things that still cause me problems- bottling up my feelings, forming and maintaining new relationships, saying 'no' to people. :?

On the plus side, I don't think twice about going on holidays by myself now, avoidance behaviour has gone down and I take 'risks' more often, put my own needs and objectives first, and I care a lot less what people think of me. :)

Having said that though, it's pretty scary seeing another b-day arrive and go, and feeling as if life hasn't really got 'started' for you. :evil:


Well-known member
I would say I am 80% better than two years ago. I can handle most things but some things I can't. I am still scared sometimes. I only blush every once and awhile. And the only other issue I have is sweaty hands. My dad likes to hold hands with me all the time and then I start to sweat and then he says that my hands are clammy. Um.. yeah sure if that's what you want to call it. :roll:


Well-known member
Well 3 years ago I was at home and had never even spent a night alone in the house. I had never been on a night out and I didnt have a social life.

Now i Live away from home, have a full time job and study at university and I have a reasonable social life. Still have trouble doing new things and still lack confidance on the relationships front.

Id say I have improved about 75%...but there is still 25% anxiety I am determined to eliminate