when was ur 1st??


Well-known member
ok this is embarassing 2 say but i need 2 talk 2 sum1 about it and i figured who better than all yall i dont know! lol but neways the thing is im 15 ((16 in feb)) and have never had a boyfriend. never even kissed a guy. thats hard 2 live w/ when evry1 almost u kno isnt even a virgin nemore. i think alot of its because of my social anxiety and depression, but still. so i was just wondering when yall had yalls 1s bf, kiss, ect.


Well-known member
sorry Dying Inside,
but I can't help but laugh at your post.
You write "I'm 15 (16 in Feb) and have never had a boyfriend. Never kissed a guy..." that "everyone almost you know isn't even a virging anymore"...

Well, ahemm!, what do I say here ...I'm 28, turning 29 next April, and I've never had a boyfriend. I have kissed a total of 3 guys, been on about 4 dates -but all of these took place 7 or 8 years ago, from the ages of 16 to 21. And for 7 or 8 years since, when I've been in what is generally considered my prime (my 20s) there's been something of a drought. And, hey, it's the internet so I figure can say this without worrying much: I'm a virgin and all (3 to be precise! :lol: ) 3 of my friends still are (as far as I can tell).

How do I feel? ...actually not so bad if you really wanna know :wink: .

I live in Australia, and it seems that my generation grew-up exposed to different ideas as to what is 'normal' regarding sexuality. I have a couple of friends, who don't even have social anxiety, and yet who have less experience with males than me. And, to be quite honest, I find it amazing that at your tender age you would be surrounded by people who have more experience than me and a fair percentage of my generation put together!!!

I'm not comparing my age group to yours in order to suggest that mine is better or more socially adjusted; but I am giving you a look into different ideas of 'normal' and that there exist more definitions for what this is than you may be exposed to. In another social climate, to have never kissed a boy (much less done anything more) at the age of 15 would be considered quite normal.
...I mean, define what is 'normal'-??

I even know of some teenage girls, who, in having early sexual experience (around 13 or 14) later regret this as they regret thinking that they should have to have had sex because everybody around them was.

...Now, it doesn't necessarily have to matter how much experience a person has with sex or how early in their teens they begin. I'm not setting a black-and-white standard as to what is 'normal'. ...I am in fact suggesting that there exists a wider scope for defining what is normal.

So, maybe just have a think about what the word 'normal' means. And, as special as intimacy with another person is, -attitude wise- rushing into it is the same as avoiding it too much. By this I mean, irrespective of actions and what actions you or others take or don't take, EMOTION wise, it's best to keep sex and intimacy interesting and enjoyable. So, I'd pay less attention to how things look and more to the emotions I have. The attitude is everyhing here. If attitude is right, it really doesn't matter whether a person has sex alot or very little. If attitude and emotions behind actions (even the action of not acting) are good then the rest is truly 'NORMAL' by the only accurate definition of 'normal' that actually exists. And that is based upon your own true feelings and not someone else's -who tells you that sex/relationships needs to be done this way or that doing such-and-such a thing is 'normal'.

Look towards making your own definition of 'normal' -because this is exactly what everybody else does: they invent what is 'normal'; even when they are just following the lead of what someone else tells them this is they are still, in effect, playing along in the game of inventing social rules as to what constitutes as 'normal' (they just do it second-hand, listening and following someone else's feelings and beliefs). Why not do it first-hand? Develop the ear to listen to your own emotions instead of listening to what others tell you these should be. ...later on, it's possible that you would end up becoming the one that others listen to, and they'll ask you: 'What is 'normal'?' 'What should I do?' Cause everybody wants someone else to tell them what this is;this is quicker than figuring it out for your self based on listening to your own feelings.

...Anyhow, you probably didn't ask for all the above! You asked: 'when did you all have your first bf, first kiss?' ....oops, sorry! :( :lol:
Got a bit carried away! I was about 16 but it was from this really unnatractive sleazy 19 year old man. yuk! more like smooching a squid as I recall. But anyhow...


Well-known member
So you're 15 and don't want to be a virgin anymore just because your friends aren't? That's pretty... Well, stupid. You have plenty of time for that. You're young and should think about other things like friends and school.

And please use the english language when you type. It's so easy.


Well-known member
I feel the need to step in here: Dying Inside never mentioned wanting to lose his/her virginity. So whilst you say to Dying Inside that he/she should learn how to write the English language, maybe you could focus on reading it more clearly. -That's fair, don't you think? :wink:

And, whilst doing something that everybody else is doing can sometimes make that 'something' stupid -I don't think that it is so stupid for a 15 year old to feel pressure to fit in with others. This may be 'stupid' for a 28 year old, but you'd expect an adult to be more mature and clearer in their sense of themselves. And if adult issues are made a part of what you consider childhood, if anything, this is more the fault of adults who allow this, without teaching also how to respect sex and understand the emotions in it.

As for not following the dictates of the crowd and what others say as to how sex should be -it's difficult to teach such a high moral standard when a person is busy dictating their own. I mean, what exactly do you want to say: that a person should do something simply because someone else says or thinks it is right; or are you trying to encourage someone to think for themself-? -Which one is it, because if it is both, you are contradicting yourself.
LittleMissMuffet makes an awful lot of sense, I completely agree.

Oh and my first kiss was at 14 and it was awful, I didn't bother again until I was 16 and with someone I fancied, but again, it was really quite lame, then I waited another few months and kissed someone I actually really liked haha and it was brilliant. No matter how long you have to wait, it's better to wait and for you to enjoy it, than rush and not enjoy it, and that goes for everything from kissing to sex lol.


Well-known member
I was 12 when I had my first kiss and 13 when I had my first "girlfriend". It was totally ridiculous though because at the time I didn't dare do anything with her and avoided her at all costs. I still remember the red-faced shame I underwent when someone told me they'd seen me holding hands with her behind the bike shed. It was a very confusing time for me because I had major anxieties (that was the reason for me not doing anything much with her) but I didn't know why I felt that way, and why I wasn't more into her. I even thought I was gay for a while as a result of that. It took a while for me to get the whole thing straight in my head.