When finally making a "move"

(Like a telephone conversation, a job interview, etc...) - Do you feel good and proud of yourself or do you get depressed?

Today I've been at my first job interview in my life (after I've left school and stayed at home doing nothing for almost six months) - I was standing outside the store for about 10 minutes until I got the courage to come in - and when I came out I felt proud of myself for less then a minute, then I started to feel so stupid and think about all the stuff I was mumbling there, knowing I'll never get a call back.

What about you?

Oh, and my second question is - are you concerned about your weight?
I mean, when you're avoiding going outside and has an access to food 24/7, it's hard to keep on your weight. I've gained 10 pounds in the last 6 months and I don't know how to stop it.

By the way, I'm new here, and English's not my first language so I'm sorry about the possible mistakes.
I'm 18 From Israel (and I'm a girl).


Well-known member
Hi and welcome to the site :D You'r English is spot on by the way :D

Well yes after things like interviews i feel stupid and obsess over things i said which i felt sounded stupid...I have a habit when i am nervous of sounding un-intelligent even though i know i am an intelligent person.

Well about the weight issue i suffered from anorexia at the age of 15 but i recovered. I still was conscious for many years about my weight though.