What's your obsession?


New member
I'm thinking about baseing my foundation course final project on my experience of OCD,

To get rid of images of family or friends being mutilated I used to have to repeat everything three times, then always a fourth... because i'd done the fourth doorway crossing, or blink, or fridge opening, or spinning clockwise, i'd have to start over again with three, if i didn't, i was convinced the images would come true, and so it would go on, all day...

Anyway i wondered if you could tell me your obsessions, whatever size or however obscure, i'd like to collect as many as possible, and they'll all become part of my peice, anonymously.

It would really help, and a few words is enough!

Thanks, Meg
I have to do things in 4's because to me 4 is the purest even number because it's square root is 2 so it can never be alone. The obsession behind it all is that if I dont do what "it" being the OCD, tells me to something bad will happen, it generally has to do with Death or someone getting hurt, I dont usually visualize the consequences of not completing the ritual but I am sort of told them, but I dont actually hear a voice (in the auditory hallucinatory sense, I guess it's like I "know" them, sort of like when people describe their little Jimminy Cricket talking to them.


Well-known member
The most prevalent one is having to repeat phrases in my head so I don't have to worry about things. I don't exactly have a set number of times I have to say it - I just have to think it in my head until it feels right. If I don't say it right, or if it seems kinda wishy-washy I have to do it over. It's the same thing if I think something really bad - like a graphic image or something. Then I have to think something to cancel it out, over and over, until it feels right to me.


Well-known member
My obsession is bodybuilding. It pretty much consumes my life, my thoughts, my worries and other emotions. It's hard for somebody to understand, who doesn't have that same body/mind obsession, about how much this really takes over. It's an addiction in one sense. My body and my own goals/expectations.
I have many odd obsessions, most don't hinder me much though. One I hate odd numbers on any volume system, I have to change off them. I think of many things I did in the past, and imagine it in different ways or what I could have done. I fantasize a lot about myself and the life I would like. I have to go to the bathroom, even if I don't have to go, before I go to a class, out to a store, before bed, etc. I am sure there are many other small things I do in the same ways, I can't remember them all now.


Well-known member
Luckily I'm over it now, but when I was younger it was germs and keeping my number of steps for a given time period evenly numbered.