What's your greatest fear?


Well-known member
Being bullied. I hate it when people get there hooks into me…when people find a crack in my shell then just keep repeatedly digging in the same hole.


Well-known member
Awwww Sweet, thats horrible. I hate bullies in all thier forms. I think your concentrating so hard as to not look as though your looking at womans breasts thats its making you more and more anxious. If I were you I'd focus my thoughts on something else. Its just a case of trying to take your mind off the fear.
Those girls obviously had nothing better to do. Just another case of putting the attention on you so no one see's thier inadaqucies. (I cant spell).


Well-known member
I suppose a surprise party would be the end of me. It is less of a fear now as my friends have dwindled so there would not be much of a crowd there. Also, I was "best man" at two weddings and I wish I had the good sense to decline or join the French Foreign Legion. I had to toast the happy couple and all I could manage was a few words and even they were mumbled. I was the worst best man! Like an idiot, I thought I would do better the next time.


Well-known member
Sempfy said:
Once, about two years ago, I went to this chinese restaurant, my anxiety hit, ate a bit, walked outside and chucked my guts up right out the front, almost all over this girl who was walking past at the time. Soooo embarassing. :oops: I jes said "I'm so sorry" or something.

I've done that, except it was in someone's home and all over their floor. Ugh.


Well-known member
Tim001 said:
What is your greatest fear? What really sends you into a full blown SA attack?

Mine has to do with being in a classroom or a meeting with more than 5 people (who I may or may not know) and having the instructor or facilitator say the words “ lets go around the room and have everyone introduce themselves” Usually they are looking for a little more info than simply stating your name. I can’t adequately describe the fear I feel in this situation and nothing sends my SA through the roof more than this.


I have the same fear, there is just something about a classroom that makes me panic esp. speaking in front of people in one.


Active member
As strange and lame as it sounds , my biggest fear is of fear itself. When I start to feel anxious I just feel like I'm gonna lose it completely , so I just avoid situations where I think I'll feel that way. Which , more and more as time goes by is everything social. Every year at Christmas , I get a lot of flack about how I never come to the staff party at work , I've managed to go twice in five years but I had to get drunk fast both times just to cope. I've been trying really hard to date a woman over the past few weeks , but it seems like she's about to kick me to the curb. Sucks to be me right now.


Well-known member
Sweet Nothings said:

I am a girl, and in high school a bunch of the girls in my high school started spreading this nasty rumor that I stared at their breasts. When I finally heard the rumor, I was so terrified and horrified that everybody thought this terrible thing about me. I realized that I couldn't relax and be myself without unknowingly causing offense, that I just started to become uptight around women.

So, if I were in a room with you, I would be desperately trying to keep my eyes from looking at your breasts.

Does that make sense? What CAN I DO to get BETTER??? HELP! ANY advice would be appreciated.

Sweet Nothings.
thats sounds a difficult phobia to have, but you just have to think..really it is normal for girls to look at other peoples boobs. even if its not in a lesbian way (not that theres any problem with that) then girls still 'check out the competition' as my mate put it.


Well-known member
Hmm, for me it would have to be a direct confrontation. Someone just directly confronting me on public transport, and just pinpointing my weakness infront of the public (I actually feel they are doing this silently with their looks etc, but I know thats part of SP). For this reason I do weights to 'bulk up' so if I do get confronted.. I would have better chances of showing them who's who... It does have it's health benefits, but the downside is just living in this paranoid crazy way.


Well-known member
I wouldn't worry about it too much. Those girls that confronted you and accused you of looking at them have obviously got a problem not you.

I know some females who check other females out as well, have even heard some comment on how flat chested one girl was and that they felt sorry for her. You can usually tell by the way a girl dresses, some wear a baggy/loose top so you can't really see anything and others wear tight/skimpy tops to show off the cleavage or have their boobs half hanging out. Some women like to flaunt themselves and show everything and others don't. You can look without making it really obvious.

It is no different than females looking at a males groin, they do this as well.


my bigest fear , answering phone at work or speaking at work i feel very bad oh that's why i unpluged my phone at work


Mine is speaking in front of people, usually if it's more than a couple I dont like peoples focus being on me. Also, going to the shops/supermarkets or public places where I might bump into someone I know.... If i have to go to the shops I will spend the days before panicking about it!


Well-known member
I think my biggest fear just bad-judgement, rejection and humiliation.

But I seem to believe anyone, anytime or anything can cause bad-judgement, rejection or humiliation so I try to avoid it, which means I avoid alot of things...well, most "normal people" things.... if you get me.



Well-known member
proudmummy said:
I think my biggest fear just bad-judgement, rejection and humiliation.

But I seem to believe anyone, anytime or anything can cause bad-judgement, rejection or humiliation so I try to avoid it, which means I avoid alot of things...well, most "normal people" things.... if you get me.


Yes. A guy at work today was making jokes about my name (not that I have a weird name or anything, it was just done in a jokey way) and I was laughing and making jokes back about his name. I like this guy and I KNEW he was joking same as I was but at the back of my mind I kept thinking maybe he was laughing at me because he thought I was weird... :roll:

I think our total lack of confidence and self-esteem must come from early life experiences. I was painfully shy when I was a kid and of course I'd often get other kids teasing/verbally bullying me.

I don't just fear rejection and humiliation, I almost expect it. :(