What's your course(major) and how was it?

i am going to further my studies soon.and honestly i don't know what i want to do at all!!!this is so bad because i can't stay like this forever- being undecided.so i would like to know what do you study and why and how you know what you want.plus it would really help to know how is it going while studying for your major.tell everything.where you studied.the environment.the standard of eductaion.whatever.but mostly i would like to know your course and how you feel about it.and if you don't mind what happened after that how does your career path is mapped.it doesn't matter if you are studying or have finished.thank you for your comments.it'll really help me :D


Well-known member
when i went to college (Lesley U. in Cambridge, MA), i started out as an english major and "individual professional minor" of creative writing. after about 1.5 years of this, i discovered that i'd have to take a bunch of courses i have no interest in whatsoever and wouldn't help me with my creative writing so i quit it and changed my major. one of the choices was "child studies" which is exactly that, the study of children. so i did that since it seemed like the only other major i could see myself doing for the rest of my college years. i also picked "psychology" as my minor since i always made sure to take at least 1 psychology course every semester anyways so i figured, why not?

let's see, i'd say the only down side to this major was that i had to do 2 internships to complete it which isn't fun for my SA but the internships ended up being good experiences for me so all in all, it was the best major choice i could've made. pretty much all of the required courses for my major were of interest to me and ones i would've taken regardless. oh and just so i'm clear, no child studies is NOT early childhood education. i don't know why so many people get the 2 confused... ECE is for people who want to be daycare teachers and things like that. my major is simply the study of children like i said, and my major is a lot more generalized so i could do almost anything as a career w/ kids which i think makes my career more open since i have a lot more knowledge of all child age groups than say early childhood education majors would since they focus on 5 yrs old and younger.

after i graduated from college, my career ended up being a daycare teacher ironically lol. i was that for 1.5 years and for the most part i enjoyed it and even miss it (i do NOT miss the horrible management though!). but yeah, with my major/minor, i can do just about anything related to kids. for all of 2008, i was unemployed mostly by choice, but i do hope to work with kids again in some capacity.

i don't know if this kind of major is offered to you or even what your personal interests are, but i do hope what i said helps.
I'm doing a science degree in Anatomy and Pharmacology, with a view to going on to do medicine.
Learning about drugs and cutting up dead people! I love it. I was always completely fascinated with the human body and with medicine, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to become a doctor so I did science and am studying medical subjects and now I know I wanna do medicine cos I love it!
I'm from Ireland so I'm doing the degree in my home town/city of Galway, there's a university here. I've nothing else to compare it too but in my view the standard of teaching is excellent...the lecturers are really personal and are really enthusiastic about their subjects...I guess they're science nerds too, just like their students!
I'm taking a year out at the minute because of my anxiety and agoraphobia but the plan is to go back in January...nervousness!
The human body was something I was always interested in so i chose science...is there anything in particular that interests you or that you thought you might like to learn about?