whats ur take on agressive chat on games?


so when you hear someone screaming stuff e.g. stupid jew etc... on games are you offended ?

personally i think its just part of the game whenever i play online i get pretty aggresive and start swearing a lot normally i dont swear in real life scenarios.


Well-known member
Not offended, I just get annoyed that nobody has any respect for each other on the games, and racism is the norm.


I think it's a shame,I mean you just expect it these days,everyone trash talks each other.Just makes it that bit nicer when you meet someone cool online.It's kind of sad though considering we all share a common interest and stuff,yet resort to acting like 11 year olds.


Well-known member
i must admit i dont play online games and part of it is because half the people on it are online warriors and what i mean by that is they will act like such a big men online and say terrible things but in person they would never say a word or do anything . its a pitty and there is no need 4 it . just my two cents :)
Yeah I think it's sad how everyone acts so immature in games. People have a lot of freedom online because there's no consequences to their actions in that online environment. But the way that ppl express that freedom is just sad.. seems like everybody's so self-centered on there.