What's ur scariest SA situation?


Well-known member
What's ur scariest SA situation that you actually want to do or at least know that you should be doing/involve yourself?
Mine would be...to start a conversation with my crush face to face.:oops:
Everything about my crush always make my anxiety goes very high...


Well-known member
Yes that's a very good answer- that's mine as well. :oops:

It's sad the amount of crushes I've had, and I've only ended up talking to a couple of them, let alone actually getting to know them. :(


Well-known member
..one of my biggies would be to apply for a better job....and go to the interview....that scares the crap out of me 8O


Staff member
seem to have most SA things sussed apart from EYE CONTACT!

thats still as impossible as ever


Active member
Mine would be telling my parents what I actually think and that I have SA, they already think I'm crazy enough :)


Well-known member
Doing things under the looks of others. It can be sth very simple,such as writing sth,or cutting sth while sb is watching me. Then I blush and feel very anxious. I would really like to know if sb else experiences this,so as to feel better.


Going to the dentist. My three worst fears are losing my teeth, people getting really close to my face and seeing my flaws, and people in general.

And I'm forcing myself to go on the 6th. Hopefully I won't back down. :oops:


Well-known member
Emetic said:
Going to the dentist. My three worst fears are losing my teeth, people getting really close to my face and seeing my flaws, and people in general.

And I'm forcing myself to go on the 6th. Hopefully I won't back down. :oops:
hiya Emetic....good luck at the dentist.....some things i do to help a little when i have a dentist appt....book the first possible appt of the day...and get there early...then all the office staff and that are getting there at around the same time...and getting ready for the day...and can't be bothered with my weirdness so much...plus the waiting room is empty.... or close to it.... to walk into :wink:


Well-known member
I was very scared to go the the dentist... but my mom made me go and I went and it wasn't as bad as I thought. The worst part was sitting in the waiting room. I got a sealant put on but it fell off and I had to go back again... ugh that made me soo mad :evil:

The worst thing I have to look forward to is going to a doctor. I am so scared... I have always hated doctors too.

I am trying to contact some old friends and I am very scared of when I get to hang out with them.

I am also VERY scared to think about making new friends. I don't know how I am supposed to make new friends when I don't go anywhere and I homeschool. The only place I go is an animal shelter every week but there aren't very many people there and definitly not my age. Also getting a boyfriend freaks me out too. I don't know how I would react around a boy. I haven't been around a guy my age in years. People have said in the long run boyfriends/girlfriends aren't really worth it. So I guess I don't feel so bad not having one. :? For now anyway...


Well-known member
I don't even really talk to people, especially someone I have a crush on. I'd probably die if I had to start a conversation with them. I'd feel so stupid. I couldn't tell someone I liked them. The anticipation of rejection would force me not to.

Speaking and performing in front of people or alone with a tape recording (that people will hear) is difficult to. Writing is also hard. Anything that people might judge me by drives me crazy and it has to be perfect so they wont think I'm stupid or suck.