Whats the craziest party you've ever been to?


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Stories! Tell 'Em!

Last night.
-way too drunk off Jager and Vodka
-drunk dialed this girl from south africa I really like, didn't sound like she minded too much :p
-I got kissed by a guy on the cheek...now I want to bang his head into a wall. :x
-i have a torn ligament in my knee...and I threw my leg brace at a girl I work with because she scared me.
-I spilled my drink, and I tried to mop it up by swimming on the floor with my shirt soaking it up. :D
-Too drunk to drive my Mustang...soo this girl that broke my heart a few months ago drove me home :oops:

Your turn! What'd you do?


Active member
Went with mates to visit our mate (who had moved away a while ago). Went out to a club....all got wasted, kinda got split up, and the other half got kicked out. Mainly because one of them was trying to get out the fire exit shouting where's the bar?

Anyways eventually went out to find one of them throwing up everywhere, which was funny obs lol, so seeming i freaking hate clubs anyway i opted to go back with the few that were going back.....because they couldn't really walk let alone get drink in their mouths.

Got a taxi which took us to the total wrong place, the freaking dumbass, and as the one who lives there was still out with the others we were totally lost....in the pooring rain. So yar ashley (who was relatively sober) went off to find out where the hell we were while i was left with a paraletic mate and one who insisted in running away especially when cars were driving by.....i seriously nearly resorted to knocking him out and just dragging him......woulda been a lot easier!

After about an hour of trying to take care of two now mentally retarded people we eventually met up with the rest to find out there had been a fight between two of them (the host and his brother) so they were screaming at each other and started putting each other through windows....woot.....so we split up again as his brother sorta ran off and tom and andy went with him to make sure he didn't......i dunno, blow something up. The brother ended up running in front of the car, the driver and passenger happened to be some friendly chav types threatening to knife them.....tom and andy just threw them back into their cars lol and they just pissed off.

And the whole time this was happening i was looking after someones chips and as i was sorta gone by then saving these chips seemed like the most important thing in the world....so on the corner right before thingys house the stupid crappy polystyrene container was so waterlogged it just desintergrated and all the chips fell onto the pavement......over the whole night that was probably what i was most pissed off about!

So yar good start to the weekend i guess.


Well-known member
Well i cant recall any crazyness happening to me at a party but i have to reply to Generic.

That is one crazy night you had there! Impressive :)


Well-known member
AWWW MAN! I remember this crazy party where we ate all this jelly and ice-cream, drank lots of lemonade and cola and played musical chairs :roll:

Just goes to show how many parties i have been too :lol:


Well-known member
omg Recluse.... THATS FUCKING AWESOME! So funny.... first time i laughed today :D
Ive been to many of those kind of parties too :D Party animal!


Well-known member
Generic said:
one of them was trying to get out the fire exit shouting where's the bar?

lol,great story,as for me I havent been to a party for about 12 years I think......


Active member
Let's see. AT the craziest party I've been to we ate a lot of chips, played rock band and DDR, watched movies, and went to sleep.


Well-known member
Great_Beyond said:
Let's see. AT the craziest party I've been to we ate a lot of chips, played rock band and DDR, watched movies, and went to sleep.

Surprised no one called the cops on you guys! :lol:


Active member
I was singing for this band called Drop Devil and they practiced out in Union Missouri, which is basically the land of trailer parks, crystal meth, and psycho rednecks. As soon as I got there I found out it's a party and we were playing my second time practicing with them. lol. Then the old singer (whom I was replacing) walked in, handed me a bunch of Vicaden and we proceeded to snort it. Then I smoked about a half a joint and we are all doing bong rips. During the performance I was all paranoid and standing in the corner with the mic the whole time. lol

I also ended up whipping some dude's ass who was a total d bag. After that I quit the band because I got tired of driving out there.

Last night was another good one. Not so much a party as much as a few people. I was ridiculously drunk on beer and Seagram's 7. I just remember my friend Michelle not having any pants on the whole night and some other girl feeling me up. It was good times.