What you would love to see yourself as


Well-known member
What would you guys see yourself in your fantasy worlds?
I mean,without all of your inhibitions and und unfortunate occurences what do you think you'd Be like?


Well-known member
In my perfect SA free world I would love to be like Penny Lane (played by Kate Hudson) in Almost Famous. She just oozes 'cool' and free-spirit to me. She was fun, she loved rock n' roll, she was beautiful, and she had so much fluidity in her. She danced like no one was watching. She had a lovely, earthy style to her. She seemed like some one who doesn't stress easily.


Well-known member
I'm very happy with where I am right now in life :) It would probably be different if I didn't stutter....so I'm thankful I stutter.


Well-known member
I would love to be a mob boss similar to Don Corleone. If people asked me favours, I could tell them that they never wanted my friendship, even though my wife was godmother to their only children.


Well-known member
im ok being me to be honest , but a little more intelligence would be nice :rolleyes:::p: im not very educated you see ...
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Active member
Judge Judy - i've always been extremely interested in both law and entertainment.

i was a risk management advisor to NFL athletes for over a decade. although i'm so not interested in sports (and that's an understatement, lol), i liked my job - but it was very stressful.

perhaps ironically, these days i'm now the vocalist of a pop/rock club (bar) band...for some reason, entertaining people for a living isn't nearly as terrifying to me as having to be "myself" 8 hours a day in public.