What would you like the world to know about SA?


I'm sorry if this tread already exist, but I'm new here so I haven't figured out how to find everything on here yet :)

Anyway, I'm a scriptwriting student, and I'm writing a short film script about Social anxiety. I have lived with this disorder my entire life, and it feels important to me to explain to others about it. Who knows, my script might lead to a movie some day :p! Well anyway, I thought maybe you could help me with some inspiration? as the title says: What would you like the world to know about Social anxiety?


That we see the world through a different lens. That we may appear stand-offish, aloof but really we are insecure about communicating with others.
That we need sensitive listeners to encourage us and understand our point of view. So we feel validated.


Well-known member
If you have a friend with Social Anxiety you may feel like they let you down lots, but as a sufferer you feel like you're letting yourself and the world down a million times worse.