what the fuck is up with this place?


Well-known member
lately this whole site seems to be overrun with both trolls and attention whores. I don't know which is worse.

I realize that basically everyone on here is an introvert by default (me included), but the degree of self absorption is ridiculous.

Trolls aside, I get this recurring vibe that half the people on here aren't actually seeking support or advice, but rather just want to complain about their lives in every single post they make, masked as venting but really just blatant attention-seeking.

Go through my posts. I offer advice every opportunity I get, but it almost always falls on deaf ears.

These people will make threads bitching about their random problems. Fine, cool. But if only a few people give them the attention they want, they create a new thread threatening suicide or some other stupid shit.

I've actually had people PM me demanding that I post in their threads. What the fuck is this? A competition?

I don't get it. Whats the point? People vent, no one cares. People offer advice, no one reads. This place has turned into big fat circle jerk.

Need I cite examples? I got plenty.

Anyone know of some alternatives to this place? Ideally a forum where people actually give a shit. Or do these self centered douche bags just come with the territory?

I'm posting this here, as it seems to be where the more rational and stable people lurk.
weak said:
I've actually had people PM me demanding that I post in their threads.

Congrats. Enjoy your popularity and stop worrying about the motivations of others.

Who cares if people are seeking attention? Social phobics can't get much in real life, so it's not unnatural that they'd try to get it here. As long as they're not doing it in the troll's offensive manner there's nothing wrong with it.

99.9% of advice offered on a forum like this is stuff that the readers already know. Knowing and implementing are totally different things. If knowledge could cure social phobia, the site would be empty.


It does seems like a lot of people on this website don't actually want help, they just want somewhere to complain/vent making multiple threads about how things suck and nothing ever changes and when people try to give them advice they don't listen at all, as if they somehow enjoy coming here and getting the attention.

I think socialanxietysupport.com may be more what you want.

I often see this site as some big depressing pity party 90% of the time, so I don't post much.


weak said:
Anyone know of some alternatives to this place? .

Social anxiety uk..Obviously it was made for mainly people in the uk,but it has a big amount of (both uk and other)users and seems pretty cool.There is a site called ofear aswell but thats quite small,but being small it does have more of a sence of community than others.

As for what you said about the site,I know what you mean and i think its mainly the Troll's.Other than that its in peoples nature to be negative when they are struggling with mental health issues,this is probaly the only place some people have to speak out.Whatever is annoying you on this site will probaly be present on most other sites aswell.

It gets me down sometimes aswell,but I just have a break from the site,Ive met too many nice people on here to just quit.Hope you find a forum which suits you if this one doesnt tho if you do decide to go.


Well-known member
Re: what the **** is up with this place?

weak said:
Anyone know of some alternatives to this place?

[link removed]

^Never mind, the admin at that place sucks!
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Well-known member
If people can't come on here to vent then where else can they?

I agree about the trolls ruining the site though.


Well-known member
Hoth said:
Who cares if people are seeking attention?

I do. This place is turning into myspace - "comment on my default or you get de-added" type shit.

It fucks up the basic fundamentals of a support forum. In order for this to work, members must both give and take. If everyone just takes takes takes, it doesn't work.

This isn't even something that affects me personally, I don't even think I've made a single thread on here seeking advice. But I do see a lack of gratitude towards those who do actually offer advice, and that's pretty lame.

recluse said:
If people can't come on here to vent then where else can they?

I'm not talking about venting. There's a big difference between what I'm talking about and venting....


Well-known member
I do. This place is turning into myspace - "comment on my default or you get de-added" type shit.

It ****s up the basic fundamentals of a support forum. In order for this to work, members must both give and take. If everyone just takes takes takes, it doesn't work.

This isn't even something that affects me personally, I don't even think I've made a single thread on here seeking advice. But I do see a lack of gratitude towards those who do actually offer advice, and that's pretty lame.

I'm not talking about venting. There's a big difference between what I'm talking about and venting....

Mr. Weak, you have mentioned the shit I and I'm sure a few others have felt about this site.

I also try to offer advice... the little I can give, usually from my own experience... and it's difficult to know if they're accepting it or not.

I do confess to a some venting here and then, but I think a little is good. Not to the point where that becomes your role in the forum though.

You're probably one of the more respectable posters in here, especially when you can back your shit up since you're actually working toward something in real life.

PS If you leave, I hope to get your email or know your myspace/facebook if you have any so I can ask you a few tips on stock trading and marketing. If I can provide anything from my side, I'd hope to be of value.


Well-known member
Personally I wouldn't worry about it. If people take your advice good, if not well you tried. Sometimes people do need a place to vent and this sites as good a place as any.