What shall I tell them??


New member
I think I might have Social Anxiety.
But the problem is, I can't tell my mom. I normally just put on a smile and pretend everything is okay... all the things I have done in the past to get out of things (like hiding under a table and pretending the run out of the class room to be sick) I have never told anyone. I feel embarrased, I make up excuses to my friends so I don't have to go out. I worry about everything.

I hate being like this and I need someone to talk too... How do I tell my mom??:confused:


Well-known member
maybe try telling a really close friend. i have yet to tell my parents about my social anxiety and i plan on keeping it that way. when i was first diagnosed with it, i had to tell someone, so i told my best friend about it and he was very understanding and it was also great to get off my chest. maybe just start by telling a friend, unless you're very comfortable around your mom.


Well-known member
Yes I agree with you need someone to talk.
when I had SA, I was 15. It was really embarrassing.

If your mother isn't really understanding, I think it's better to tell other understanding person first. Then tell your mother. I think you need to tell her in order to see a doctor.

If I were you, I would say " I don't know why, but I feel uncomfortable around people. And I know I shouldn't feel in this way. I want to see a therapist or psychiatrist or both to get rid of this."

Good luck