What SA people do - they suck


Active member
phoenix1 said:
Interesting stuff.

I think its not so much the control of others as it is the need to control yourself in respect to others. Like the need to control every aspect of your looks and how you speak and what you say...

The thing about control is that you can't will yourself out of it for any extended period because its really just a symptom. People *need* control because they don't know what else to do. Believe it or not, its actually the only thing that keeps socially anxious people sane. The thought they if we just control one more thing, e.g. new clothes. how we say something. Sure its an illusion and a lie, but its the only thing we *believe* we can do when there's so much pain.

I certainly agree with the focus on positivity though. The more you can focus on your desire to be social and the good feelings associated with it, the more you will stop feeling the need to control the situation.

Now see, I agree that SA people control themselves...

but take it a step further.

Why do we control ourselves "in respect to others?"

Because we want to control how people perceive us. And what that really means is controlling how other people feel and think...

It's not controlling how others feel and think about everything... but IT IS controlling how others feel and think about us...

...and its when we feel like we are losing grasp on that control of how others perceive us that we get the most nervous.

Human beings automatically feel nervous when they lose a grasp on something they are trying to control. When you drop an egg on accident, you feel nervous. It's that feeling of "oh no, I'm losing control of this." That's where anxiety comes from.

Some SA people have developed a technique of overcoming this by not caring. Basically saying "fuck people - I hate people" and in a way this has a benefit in that they are giving up control. It's like saying:

Yeah fine, people hate me, dislike me, don't love me (all the things SA people fear) I accept that because fuck them, I don't care.

In a way this is better than living a life of trying to control everyone into thinking that we are worthy people, when we secretly feel like we're not, and then feeling anxiety when we feel like we're losing grasp on how people perceive us.

BUT, it puts you in a box... You basically limit yourself from interacting with people because... oops you're supposed to hate everyone.

But the basic concept is there. Give up control and you have freedom from anxiety.

What do you think?

Anyways, I find this stuff fascinating and I admit I'm using dramatic titles but I feel it wakes people up. People can roll through forums without really being conscious and forget about what they read 5 minutes later.

If I'm offensive and then give my opinion on something important to everyone but from a place of love, it's hopefully going to put people in a state of confusion (uncertainty) and get everyones mind going.

It's that uncertainty that we're all afraid of (that lack of control) and in reality it's harmless and free from anxiety...

But also, I want to get people into a debate, I don't want to preach a story about how...

"Oh I'm so great and I got better, do what I did..."

That's boring, no one cares. You don't have to think when you read those posts.

Of course some people are just going to read the title and then reply without really getting in on the debate but I'm okay with that as long as some people are actually reading my long posts.


Well-known member
Blah Blah Blah. All of us know that we have a problem and it's something we should fix, but we cant just say, "Alright, this sucks, so I'm going to start thinking positive and not be a social phobe anymore!" This is life, it's not some cheesey after school special. Not many of us (if any) just read some little article on the internet, take a deep breath and walk out into the bright sunny world with a big grin on our face and a new lease on life.

Get real, man. We need therapists. We need one-on-one counseling and we need lessons on scocial interaction. We can all help ourselves, but we cant cure the problem, if we could it wouldnt BE a problem. Quit pushing your self-help panacea. The shit dont work. It's noise. Is anyone here going to post about how your "JUST STOP" ideas had a noticeable effect on their day to day lives? About how they had better relationships with their families and how they made some new friends and landed a date? I dought it.

I know I'm negative. I know other people dont see me the way I see myself. I know this whole SAD is bullshit that only manifests inside my own head, hell I even have a pretty good idea of how I got this way. But that doesnt help me. That doesnt make me speak normally to people instead of having my brain go blank in the face of an impending interaction. It doesnt make my mouth move and my body relax.

I KNOW I should just be normal. Telling myself to just be peachy doesnt fix shit for me. The placebo effect of listening to ($$$ much?! so much for helping people) self-help tapes has no hold on me either,

so NOW WHAT?? "Quit controlling people!" Bipolar people are systomatically charismatic, histronic people force others to bend to their will with the threat of an emotional breakdown (and believe me, I've had enouph experience with both). How the fuck do I influence people? I'm blank. I'm furniture. Noone does what I want them to do. You think my being withdrawn has other people takeing the time to pry me out of my self indulgent little shell? Wrong! They go about their buisness. We are about the LEAST controlling people on the face of the earth. People with SAD dont bend others to our will, we bend to the will of others because of our inherent fear of confrontation.

I dont know. It's a forum and people are entitled to post whatever they want. I just think people in our situation need encouragement to get REAL help, not someone feeding us some magical psudo-existentialist placebo that says a lot but amounts to nothing.
noblame4 said:
Get real, man. We need therapists. We need one-on-one counseling and we need lessons on scocial interaction. We can all help ourselves, but we cant cure the problem, if we could it wouldnt BE a problem.

I've been to therapists and shrinks and done the CBT group thing, none of it helped. There's is no cure, the best we can hope for is understanding. Anxiety and depression will never go away permanently.

I don't believe listening to crap while you sleep does anything. But self-help thru ACT has helped me immensely. Read some of it before deciding it's all bogus. www.thehappinesstrap.com


Well I appreciate 'madeup's' post and understand what he's saying and why he's so enthusiasic about it.

I've been there before and worked hard at recovery from social anxiety. Learning about it felt like some sort of revelation to me... 'you're saying my thoughts about situations aren't actually happening, they not actually real?!' then being able to change your thoughts and beliefs using realistic thinking techniques and other things like relaxation and correct breathing techniques... it feels amazing to be pretty much free of anxiety in situations where you would have once been very uncomfortable. You start making changes for the better in your life and you want to share your knowledge with everyone.

I've had a bit of a setback with it recently with a few too many big life changes in a row (one including moving to the other side of the world with my partner... to a place where I don't speak the language!) but I have my workbook here and am going to get back on the recovery bandwagon again (something I would have been much better off never letting go of) and I am confident I will be able to get it back under control.

Anyway... go the self help tapes! Glad I'm not the only one! I listen to 'Self Esteem Affirmations' by Louise Hay. I listen to track three, subliminal self esteem affirmations, when I'm ready to go to sleep... if I can't sleep then this puts me to sleep every time and I do notice a big difference in my motivation and self esteem and anxiety when I make the effort to listen to it every night. Twice a day is best to begin with.

Another person who has really helped me 'Sue Cleland' from the website socialanxietyaustralia.com.au She suffered from extreme social anxiety for many years so she knows what she's talking about. I attended her three day course... best thing I ever did. But I've noticed she now has a dvd out that can be shipped anywhere in the world by the looks... worth checking out!

Enough from me... just hoping to help someone as I suspect 'madeup' is too.


Well-known member
madeup said:
Human beings automatically feel nervous when they lose a grasp on something they are trying to control. When you drop an egg on accident, you feel nervous. It's that feeling of "oh no, I'm losing control of this." That's where anxiety comes from.

You see, I think this is where the confusion is coming from. The control that you talk about is really the anxiety itself. When we are anxious we automatically go into control mode. For example think about climbing a steep cliff. When you are anxious about the pain of falling, you will focus on each little foothold, every little grip, every little thing that happens around you. Anxiety, which is one of the most basic primal behaviors, uses that control to prevent pain.

As far as where the control is directed, I think a lot of it is semantics.
The control is really directed at stopping pain. Some people focus more on themselves, without much thought of actively changing other's opinions, and then there are others who will actively focus more on changing others opinions of themselves. The ultimate goal of anxiety is to stop the social pain though and to do that it needs control.

That's the reason why you can't just stop yourself from using the control without a proper replacement in hand (which you are also talking about which is good). The control doesn't cause anxiety. Anxiety causes the control. If you willfully stop the control and give up trying, it will either make you depressed or uneasy without an alternative. And eventually you will fall back into control whether you want to or not. Its like someone who is walking on ice and keeps falling over and hurting themselves. The control of making sure each step is solid arises out of the need to stop the pain. But if you willfully just stop the need to control the situation, you will either feel sad that you can't do anything about the pain of falling or really uneasy as you keep getting hurt and you don't even know why because you don't have your control set in place. Eventually that person will go right back into watching every little step they take. Social anxiety is alot worse because the anxiety itself causes the person to 'fall'. So its a downward spiral.


Well-known member
I have never been to any therapist or have had any other kind of professional help (but probably should have). But I have gotten better through the years mainly due to two reasons.

1) Actually going out there and little by little interacting with people. Sure, I've gotten tips from websites, books, and from observing other people. But the point is that I went out there "walked" into the real world (hence my username). I still need to do more of it.

2) As I grow older, my mind matures and I think I naturally get more confident simply because my mind develops as I age. What I was afraid of two or three years ago seems laughable now. I've heard of full grown adults who still have SA though, so I guess it just means other people have it more intense than me.

If some people need tough love, then I guess those kind of posts are fine. I'm more of a rationalist, so emotional motivation is usually secondary to a post or article that sounds logical and workable, even if it's boring.


Active member
noblame4 said:
Blah Blah Blah. All of us know that we have a problem and it's something we should fix, but we cant just say, "Alright, this sucks, so I'm going to start thinking positive and not be a social phobe anymore!" This is life, it's not some cheesey after school special. Not many of us (if any) just read some little article on the internet, take a deep breath and walk out into the bright sunny world with a big grin on our face and a new lease on life.

Get real, man. We need therapists. We need one-on-one counseling and we need lessons on scocial interaction. We can all help ourselves, but we cant cure the problem, if we could it wouldnt BE a problem. Quit pushing your self-help panacea. The shit dont work. It's noise. Is anyone here going to post about how your "JUST STOP" ideas had a noticeable effect on their day to day lives? About how they had better relationships with their families and how they made some new friends and landed a date? I dought it.

I know I'm negative. I know other people dont see me the way I see myself. I know this whole SAD is bullshit that only manifests inside my own head, hell I even have a pretty good idea of how I got this way. But that doesnt help me. That doesnt make me speak normally to people instead of having my brain go blank in the face of an impending interaction. It doesnt make my mouth move and my body relax.

I KNOW I should just be normal. Telling myself to just be peachy doesnt fix shit for me. The placebo effect of listening to ($$$ much?! so much for helping people) self-help tapes has no hold on me either,

so NOW WHAT?? "Quit controlling people!" Bipolar people are systomatically charismatic, histronic people force others to bend to their will with the threat of an emotional breakdown (and believe me, I've had enouph experience with both). How the fuck do I influence people? I'm blank. I'm furniture. Noone does what I want them to do. You think my being withdrawn has other people takeing the time to pry me out of my self indulgent little shell? Wrong! They go about their buisness. We are about the LEAST controlling people on the face of the earth. People with SAD dont bend others to our will, we bend to the will of others because of our inherent fear of confrontation.

I dont know. It's a forum and people are entitled to post whatever they want. I just think people in our situation need encouragement to get REAL help, not someone feeding us some magical psudo-existentialist placebo that says a lot but amounts to nothing.

You're all over the place with this post but let me try to understand where your coming from.

What you're saying: You know you have a problem.
What I'm saying: I believe you.

What you're saying: It won't be resolved overnight.
What I'm saying: I agree

What you're saying: You need more than just 1 solution (therapy/CBT etc.) and it has to come from somebody else (you can't solve it by yourself). I think you're also hinting at how its going to take a lot of work to solve SA.
What I'm saying: Pick and choose however many solutions you want, I'm suggesting one that worked for me and that didn't require a lot of effort on my part.

What you're saying: You think I should shut up.
What I'm saying: I'm okay with pissing you off, you don't have to read my posts.

What you're saying: You think your negative and something other than normal and you think that I'm suggesting you need to know this and by knowing it, you won't have SA.
What I'm saying: I disagree with this whole paragraph. You think your weird and negative and whatever but I think that's a bunch of bullshit. I think you are normal... There's nothing wrong with YOU. You are a beautiful human being. You just have some habits and some behavior that don't get you what you want. But your behavior is not who YOU are. There is a separation despite what most people think. And no where did I suggest that by judging yourself, could you free yourself from anxiety. If you read my first post carefully, you'll realize that the first part of it is me giving an interpretation of whats going through an SA person's head - not a play by play of what you need to be aware of in order to solve SA.

What you're saying: Listening to self esteem tapes doesn't work for you.
What I'm saying: Did you listen to them every night for 4 months?

What you're saying: You say that SA people don't actually control people.
What I'm saying: No they don't actually control people, they just try REALLY hard to... and again, I'm not saying SA people try to control others in any other way but this:

SA PEOPLE TRY TO CONTROL HOW OTHERS PERCEIVE THEM. And this isn't even under debate... We all acknowledge that part of SA is feeling self-conscious.

What I'm saying is that by trying to control how others perceive you, you are trying to control how they think and feel about you. That is CONTROLLING behavior. And when we lose grasp on this control over how others feel and think towards us (like when someone starts to look at us weird or react in a way we don't want them to), we get anxiety.

phoenix1 said:
madeup said:
Human beings automatically feel nervous when they lose a grasp on something they are trying to control. When you drop an egg on accident, you feel nervous. It's that feeling of "oh no, I'm losing control of this." That's where anxiety comes from.

You see, I think this is where the confusion is coming from. The control that you talk about is really the anxiety itself. When we are anxious we automatically go into control mode. For example think about climbing a steep cliff. When you are anxious about the pain of falling, you will focus on each little foothold, every little grip, every little thing that happens around you. Anxiety, which is one of the most basic primal behaviors, uses that control to prevent pain.

As far as where the control is directed, I think a lot of it is semantics.
The control is really directed at stopping pain. Some people focus more on themselves, without much thought of actively changing other's opinions, and then there are others who will actively focus more on changing others opinions of themselves. The ultimate goal of anxiety is to stop the social pain though and to do that it needs control.

That's the reason why you can't just stop yourself from using the control without a proper replacement in hand (which you are also talking about which is good). The control doesn't cause anxiety. Anxiety causes the control. If you willfully stop the control and give up trying, it will either make you depressed or uneasy without an alternative. And eventually you will fall back into control whether you want to or not. Its like someone who is walking on ice and keeps falling over and hurting themselves. The control of making sure each step is solid arises out of the need to stop the pain. But if you willfully just stop the need to control the situation, you will either feel sad that you can't do anything about the pain of falling or really uneasy as you keep getting hurt and you don't even know why because you don't have your control set in place. Eventually that person will go right back into watching every little step they take. Social anxiety is alot worse because the anxiety itself causes the person to 'fall'. So its a downward spiral.

This is a brilliant post.

We disagree on one matter: whether control precedes anxiety or vice versa.

But we agree that by giving up control, you no longer feel anxiety.

Now you point out something important, the fact that without anxiety (without control), people with SA still feel bad.

YES! This goes back to the idea that solving SA doesn't solve all your problems. I forgot that I mentioned this in my other thread "Everyone with social anixety just has victim mentality" but I made a point about how often times it feels like if we just solved SA everything would come together. But I agree; it's an illusion.

Yeah, I remember the loneliness and hatred and depression and sadness that filled the gaps between anxiety.

The only thing that worked for me was to do the self-esteem tapes and to just have those tapes rewire and influence my lonely, hateful, depressed, and sad producing thoughts and beliefs for 8-9 hours a day while I was asleep.

There's no way I would have had the energy to fight those thoughts during the day and I really didn't have to produce much effort to listen to tapes at night and so I feel like it's one of the better solutions out there.

But all of this is leaning towards something else that's important that I want to write about. I haven't had time in the last few days but I hope to write about it soon.


Active member
i think alot of people here have tried everything. they have tried theopies and medications, but i have a theory to why meds dont work, and sometimes counciling is pointless.

medications - As we all know, every emootion we feel is due to a chemical reaction taking part in the brain, wether this be happy, sad or woteva. now if you take medications, this changes what ever biochemical explaination it is to why u experience SA (im not 100% certain on what it is exactly) but for example wether it be more or less stimulation of neurotransmitters, in depressions case you would take meds to create more stimulation to the neurotransmitters. now say this works, and ur feeling more peachy, you come off meds. if your mind is still inclined to follow the same thinking pattern to which gave you depression, ur gonna find that slowly but surely ull get depressed again, because the root of ur problem wasnt dealt with, the drugs acted as a holiday from depression. this is why treatment for depression is mainly CBT and a meds combo. not only for a cure, but a lasting one.

Councling - you get to speak about ur problems with proffesionals who almost re-wire ur thoughts into effective ones. No matter how much u talk about it, no matter how many useful tips u get, the only way you are going to find self appreaciation is by doing something so u feel that way.
for instance - there is no point playing a hypnosis cd which tells u 'you are proud to be the person who u r, your a get go person' when all u do is sit at home (not saying u all sit at home) otherwise ur affirmations are infact lies arent they?

The point im trying to make, is you have to do a little bit of everything.

do the councling
do the meds
do the exposure
do the cds
do the cbt
get out and about
practise down the street, smile at strangers, even when it scares the shit outta u and u panic!
make conversation, no matter how stupid u think it sounds.
I believe one thing more as well. this also applies to drug addicts. create yourself a new life. drug addicts often move to different towns after re-hab because if they return home, the enviournment has not changed and they are much more likely to turn back to drugs, as a matter of pure habbit and because they will bump into fello users again. Make urselfs a new life, if you want to change, u have to be prepered to change 100% you cant do the same thing day in and day out u did as a SA suffer'er, as now a not SA sufferer.

make this a ful time job. try it all at the same time. if then nothing works. u gonna need to just accept it, and accept yourself as a SA sufferer.
I get what you're saying, I realized that if I sat around pouting about how nobody would talk to me without even trying to open myself up..well frankly i was setting myself up to be a pretty lonely person...so I threw my insecurities out the window, told myself I was interesting and capable of an enthraaalllingg conversation and attached myself to the most personable people I could find...now life is much better, those people became my dear friends and i can't even remember what life was like before them but everything is just too great now! I'm not saying that i'm perfect...i still have anxiety attacks at parties and just disappear into a room by myself to recollect myself and get a grip...but it's okay...'cause my friends know my character and have accepted me...

alrighty so all you shy people I sincerely hope that you can lose that jaded view of life, which I used to share and believe that there are good people out there who will reach out to you if you reach out to them...believe in yourself and give yourself a chance.