What personality do your parents have?


Well-known member
I don't like to talk trash on them, but my parents seem kind of on that introverted side. Actually though, I just think they're insecure in a few ways. I can't really talk to them about personal matters, because they can't help. They get awkward and don't know what to say. I still love them and everything, and we get along (of course), but they both lean toward being shy. And that's the only way they can relate to me. I think they find it hard to sympathize, like they see it as a weakness or something. And everytime they try to 'help' it just becomes a lecture.

You know what though? It sounds funny but they've taught me to never rely on somebody else. Not for personal matters, anyway. I kind of see it as a good thing because it's helped me to grow a lot over the years. I think I've become tighter with myself because of it.

Why am I sharing this? Beats the living hell outta me. ;)


Active member
my mother is quite introverted in some respects but in other not so she doesn't like eating in front of people and she comes across as a shy person but she has always as far as i can remember had jobs that involve lots of people, she has been a childminder a playgroup assistant and she now cares for the elderly so i doubt she has social phobia and everyone loves my dad lol i work in the same place as him and he's always talking to someone, i have noticed though that he does take rather large pauses when talking as if he's thinking about what he is going to say before hand so i could just have inherited the bad parts of both my parents lol my sister used to be very shy aswell but she moved to birmingham when she was 15 and she isn't anymore she works in a pub now and will talk to just about anyone.


Well-known member
I really wish that I had some of my dad's side of the family in my personality. They are all very funny, love to socialize, have many friends, loud, confident, fun, etc., etc. My dad is probably the most easy-going from his side, maybe the quietest. But definitely loves a good time and sociable.

My mom is quiet, reserved, doesn't like to participate in much, sometimes moody. Her side is much more quiet and anxiety-proned. Though, there are one or two uncles/aunts from this side that are more outgoing. I definitely take this side.