What Part of the Day is worst for you?


If I’m working it’s the time I get home to about 8:30/9pm. Not working then about 4pm to 9pm. If I cannot hold back the resistance then I may drown these hours out down the pub. Usually drinking by myself. Just wondered if anybody has black spot hours in the day.


Well-known member
I can feel bad any time of the day but I think it depends on what I'm doing.
Since I don't have a job right now, whenever I'm bored I'll start to think and that leads to me becoming depressed etc. It's best to keep busy hehe :D


I have my worse times through the night. I wake up around 3am & I go in to full scale panic. I have to get out of bed & go down stairs & have a cuppa & try & calm down. I can't go back to bed so just sit in front of the tv till my hubby gets up at 6am. To be honest I am shattered & then have a couple of attacks through the day without warning.
I have found eating high carb foods make it worse so I try to stick to low carbs but sometimes I will eat something I aren't sure of & that triggers an attack.


Well-known member
It depends upon what I have to do during the day. Usually though, I feel at my worst in the morning, and get better as the day goes along.
My favorite part of the day is definitely the morning at about around 7:00 am, but since I don't really do anything all day, as the day progresses it gets worse, and I frequently get horrible headaches as the day goes on. So my worst part of the day is around like 8:00 pm or so.


Well-known member
Depends on the day of the week. Work is obivously the worst if I have it (time varies). Other than that, favourite is late night/early morning, when everyone else goes to bed. I am alone and there isn't the likelihood of judgement. I prefer to go to work on Sundays though, that day is really bad in my household, my dad growling about stupid little things I have done all day drives me insane.