what now???

I'm 17.. and in the 11th grade.. I cannot push myself to go to school.. since I feel so depressed...let alone study .. I was a good student, now I'll ruin everything.. what if I end up a high school drop out..:/ when I'm in school I keep questioning myself.. look at that kid, he;s so smart, or look at that one, he's so funny, or she can dance, sing etc... what the hell am I doing amoungst such talented ppl...
and at home I also feel bad, knowing I didn't go to school.. and I keep on taking valiums and putting myself to sleep..
I think my doc will just load me with anti-deps.. and then what.. become an addict...
I just can't take it anymore..I was never rly depressed, but I think I'm headed that way...
I get hope for small seconds...but it;s to hard...
this prolly isn;t all I feel, but I'm to down to say anymore.. thx for listening


Well-known member
Hey Chained,

You also have a lot of talents. You are very good at languages and writing:)
Hey Chained,

You also have a lot of talents. You are very good at languages and writing:)

thx :) but how to use this to talk to ppl.. a language person who can;t talk to ppl..ironic :/ and other ppl are multi-talented...thank u tho, ur always there to help :)
I'm sure that those multi-talented people work hard at what they do. Sure, some people have more of an aptitutde for certain things than others, but it still takes practice and hard work to be good at something. Comparing yourself to these people and letting your inesecurities get to you is not going to get you anywhere. You seem to be gauging your value based on other people's successes and talents. As I've written above, try to resist the temptation to compare yourself to others.

ty u Serafina.. yes I know, mustn't compare, but it is stronger than me, and ppl are usually valued by what they can do, not just at my age..I didn't get this need for comparison form nowhere.. but I shall try.. :)
I understand how you feel when it comes to comparing myself to others who do so much better. At least, you know that you can do much better and that you are intelligent. I made the honor roll only once in all my twelve years of school. So...I've basically been average in all aspects of my life. If you know that you are capable of over-achieving then I think you ought to concentrate on that instead of your "flaws". Let the knowledge that you can do better inspire you to do better. :)

yes, very good advice.. ty..but it;s really scary, knowing u have to fight for urself....


Well-known member
You ought to try resisting the temptation to compare yourself to others. Making comparisons between yourself and your peers can really mess with your self-esteem, making you insecure and hindering your academic success. Why not try to point out positive things about yourself instead of concentrating on any real or percieved flaws?

Amen to that:)

Also try filling your time with some meaningful hobbies, that should help.


Well-known member
I do feel the same, but you actually have something! Seeing as you know our language and your native language be an interpreter here they earn loads of money!
I do feel the same, but you actually have something! Seeing as you know our language and your native language be an interpreter here they earn loads of money!

lol! ty.. but a lot of ppl know English. u do have stuff.. see ur funny.. smthg u dind;t have to work on, natural talent, u don;t have other stuff cuz u;ve never given the effort, depression, SA, w/e.. cuz a lot of other qualities come with humor :)