What makes you dislike social occasions/situations

What makes you dislike social occasions/situations?
1. I dislike the way people judge me when I am always alone.
2. I have a hard time mixing in with people.
3. Even if I tried, people keep ignoring me.
4. I think most people do not understand what social phobia/anxiety is. Things that seem normal to them makes me terrified.
5. I am self-conscious of my appearance.
6. I think my thoughts/behavior are different than most people.
7. I always feel like an alien that accidentally bumped to the Earth.
8. I get nervous easily and I do not want people to realize my nervousness.
9. I feel terrible when I see others chatting with each other happily but I just rather stand at the corner.
10. Other reasons

For me, 4,5,6,7 and 8:)


Well-known member
1. I tend to assume people are judging me, when what's probably true is that I'm the one judging them for assuming they're judging me.
2. My relatively low self-confidence/acceptance makes me feel afraid to interact with new people, especially if they're my age (I feel like they're judging me the most, when I have to convince myself that they might be thinking similar things).
3. People tend to be too focused on their own lives, and not everyone's gonna like you at the end of the day, but some people will notice you.
4. A lot of them understand, but if they've never experienced it, it's best to simplify it ("sorry if I seem a little quiet, I just feel a little anxious in situations like this and it takes some time to get comfortable"). If they don't understand, then they don't deserve your time.
5. I am too, which affects all other bullet points. It's mostly my fault for not having enough drive (or for not motivating myself enough) to get busy and go for a jog, or for a walk, or eat better in general instead of emotionally eating my way out of troubles (even though it doesn't get me out of my troubles at all).
6. I think my mind can be a little more (re)active and all over the place than most people, but that it can be worked on by treating myself better and making the most out of my time, good health, people I trust, and any situation I challenge myself to.
7. I feel like I distance myself from others by assuming they'll never understand me, or I'll never understand them, etc. The more you distance yourself from people, the more you're alienating yourself from what human contact is supposed to be and feel like. It takes practice, like everything else.
8. I tend to be overly anxious most of the time, but I also need to accept it and be at peace with it so that if people notice any symptom (shaking, blushing/flushing, stuttering), I can calmly explain that I'm feeling anxious and it's fine. Can't be your own worst enemy.
9. On one hand, I'd rather 'stand in the corner'; on the other hand, I want to interact with them. At the end of the day, who are you going to let win that battle, yourself or your anxiety?


Well-known member
Oh this is easy, I dislike social situations because they confuse the hell out of me, make me so tired, and make me feel like I'm doing something wrong. And I get virtually 0 pleasure from them.


Well-known member
1. Having o worry about stuff I don't care about.
2. Worrying about people being judgmental.
3. Answering stupid questions.
4. The draining feeling of being in a room with a lot of people.
5. Loudness and brightness, which adds to me feeling drained.
6. Having to pretend to be interested in the social occasion.
7. Pretending to be happy...
8. Dealing with stuff that may just pop up like someone telling me to dance or someone wanting me to do anything for that matter.


Well-known member
Just the constant tension, racing heart, etc. I like people in theory but it's always uncomfortable, and they do a lot of things that disappoint me. There's so much cruelty and willful ignorance.


Well-known member
I can relate to pretty much every statement made here.
I think a lot of my anxiety about people stems from how I was ruthlessly bullied as a child by dozens of kids day after day at my schools for seven or eight years. It became so widespread that its no wonder I've never been able to trust anyone and feel anxious around people. :sad: But in my better moments I keep tryin. Takes a lot of energy though so my preference is people avoidance.