What i've noticed about the guys on these forums


Well-known member
Honestly, When it comes to this topic I think it's nonsense when people "think this or think that about males/females,” because even if what you think is actually true you can't change it and not everyone is the same way you “think.” Maybe these people who “think” all the time should ask themselves instead “why do I ignore the person who shows real interest in ME and not sex, but try to work out a relationship with the person who obviously just wants sex”
Of course these views are not expressed to anyone directly. :D


New member
For what it's worth, when i was actually having a social life, because of my social fears i used to get SO drunk before i could finally 'forget myself'. Id then lean on anyone who showed me attention. It was, looking back really dangerous as Id end up with anyone and I was not even attracted to them necessarily. I could easily have been raped or worse. it was all because of my anxiety. I was frozen until i was drunk enough then id take any intimacy i could get as some sort of affection. I knew it at the time but i had no other way of even getting by socially. PS I am a chick :eek:)