What is wrong with me?

There, there.. you went in hope to find the friend you lost contact with, and that was very brave of you. I mean that. Whatever you did (if you did anything at all) you at least deserve the truth as to why she's behaving the way she is.

I also think it's good that you sat down and dealt with your emotions right there and then, God knows I wouldn't be brave enough to do that. *hug*

Don't give up yet.. Maybe she has a good explanation. Like; loss of internet, or electricity.. something like that. :3


Well-known member
From personal experience, and you don't have to listen to me, I really don't expect you to. I've tried meeting people online and it's really not worth it. When meeting someone short of face to face, we don't properly produce all the magical little emotions and feelings that come with sitting within the presence of others. I'm not saying that meeting people online is completely flawed. I'm saying that we're in a position to hide things, we can't learn to read others simply through what they type out online. We're in a position to lie easily, and those who tend to lie about themselves have a field day. Though in person, you have the option of reading body language. Sure, from the comfort of my own home I can tell you I want to meet up, doesn't mean I'm going to do it. For example I would probably explain my position on this issue in person. The thing is it would take me twice as long to get the words out. I think hard, even if the subject is simple. We all lie now and then, most of us lie a little if not a lot to build ourselves up. Doing it anonymously makes the sky the limit. You don't have to search far to find at least a few people lying through their teeth.

However I will tell you this. I met my wife on Myspace, she lived in my city. We started out incredibly rocky. I knew nothing about her when I thought I did. You just can't read others online by what they tell you. They may be telling the truth, but who knows the chances. Truth is I probably would have avoided her all together had we passed on the street. We jumped into bed and asked questions later. I got quite lucky, though it wasn't where I expected to end up.

Not to say you developed any feelings for this person. Though don't invest yourself so strongly via the internet, trust me. Find relations, not relationships. Make friends, safely meet, go from there.

Hope it helped.
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Well-known member
I'm so sorry for you ! :( Does she talk to you online ? Or you completely don't hear anything from her ?
There is nothing wrong with you, just when you meet people online to can be a dangerous game as Whychosis stated, they can have a field day lying about themselves and just want to lie and do nothing else.

I've had a rather weird encounter thanks to online dating.....


Well-known member
I had made an online friend who I really liked. We had arranged to meet up, but then she disappeared somewhere and stopped speaking to me::(:

Maybe she got cold feet? Perhaps she's never met anyone real life before from online so she feels quite apprehensive about it and decided to just 'disappear' so she wouldn't have to explain why she didn't meet up with you.

for some unknown reason I still took the 3 hour train journey to the place where we were supposed to be meeting. got off the train, sat on a bench and cried for a while. Then I walked over to the place where we were supposed to be meeting, stood there for a minute. Then I walked back to the station and got the train home.

I don't understand why I did that.

I guess maybe you had that little hope that perhaps she might turn up.

I'm not sure what to add. However, like what some said, online friendships which transit to real life friendship might not be as what you expected. I met an online friend real life some while back and while things were great initially, it did frizzle out quickly and we don't keep in touch much anymore. On another hand, things could be different as well. I have known another online friend for 5 years, we've never met up due to distance, but if we did, who knows, the real life friendship could be going strong since we've battled though so much together online.