What is the most generous thing someone has ever done for you?


Well-known member
I'll start by saying my parents raising me. But apart from the really big things: my long time drum teacher bought me a really nice double bass drum peddle when I moved to college and has never expected anything in return.
I plan on using them until I no longer physically can.


Well-known member
Aside from my parents raising me at the begining, I don't allow people to do generous things for me. Don't really consider me worth it.


Well-known member
a couple let me stay in their house for a couple months without asking me anything in return


Probably things my mate does for me, they are little things. But he will really go out of his way to help me sometimes. For instance there was a computer table which was being given away, but the person wanting it needed to pick it up, sadly I had no car or anyone who could get it for me.

My mate said np, we will carry it back (it was at night, cold and it is solid oak lol) and that's just what we did. I don't know why but stuff like that sticks in my memory, doing stuff out of kindness was too much trouble for my parents, so I guess it makes me appreciate it more now.
My mum has spent an enormous amount of her own personal time doing things that have enabled me to still be alive.
She didn't have to, as I was an adult.